12 Strange but Effective Ways to Treat Hemorrhoids (Read #1 & #3 for Instant Pain Relief)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Black Tea Bags

Tea contains tannic acid, which is a natural astringent. This will help to reduce the pain and swelling that comes with hemorrhoids. Make tea as you normally would, but don’t throw the tea bag away. Allow it to cool, and then place the tea bag on the affected area for 10 minutes. Do this three or more times each day. Be sure to throw the tea bag in the trash so that no one tries to reuse it!


11. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has amazing healing and astringent compounds that will go a long way toward relieving the discomfort of hemorrhoids. The astringent compounds will shrink the blood vessels, relive itching and pain, and reduce swelling. Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it directly to the hemorrhoid. Repeat three or more times each day until the hemorrhoid has disappeared.


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12. Olive Oil

Olive oil works best on external hemorrhoids. This oil has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that increase the elasticity of the blood vessels. This will reduce inflammation and shrink the blood vessels. Be certain that you consume one teaspoon of olive oil each day to reduce inflammation. You can also apply a bit of olive oil directly to the hemorrhoid for relief from pain and swelling.







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