12 Super Foods that Fight Fatigue and Win!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Walnuts

This is another popular snack that goes a long way towards fighting fatigue. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids which can help relieve mild symptoms of depression. Walnuts also have both fiber and protein, which help to fight feelings of physical stress after a workout. All you need is about ¼ cup of walnuts each day to get all the energy boosting benefits they have to offer.


11. Yogurt

Yogurt has so much to offer when it comes to fighting fatigue. Carbs, protein, and probiotics can go a long way towards fighting fatigue because the body can process yogurt more quickly than solid food, which can offer the body quick energy at a moment’s notice. Yogurt that has active compounds called probiotics which can ease the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and can improve the overall health of your digestive system.  Eat 1 cup of yogurt  each day to get the most energy boosting benefits possible. Greek yogurt is especially helpful as it contains more protein than regular yogurt.


SEE ALSO: Secrets for Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


12.  Watermelon

Yum! When you feel fatigued on hot days, you can instantly restore your energy by eating some watermelon. As the name implies, this favorite fruit is full of water and important electrolytes, which keep dehydration, and the feelings of fatigue this causes, in check. It is also high in nutrients that are known to offer the body energy such as iron, potassium, vitamin C, and lycopene. Want some instant energy? Simply munch on some watermelon with a drizzle of lemon juice.

Getting your energy from your foods never tasted so good!





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