14 Types Of Headaches And How To Make Them Go Away!

stress and headache

Photo credit: bigstock.com

11.  The Early Morning Headache

Some people find that they have headache first thing when they wake up in the morning. Sometimes this is due to a lack of caffeine, but if a cup of coffee does not resolve your headache, it could be that you suffer from sleep apnea or one of the dental headache problems listed above.


12.  The After Sex Headache

No ladies, that before sex headache is something else entirely; we are talking about the one many young people get after sex. Although these are rare, they do happen, especially to younger men. They generally start sometime after intercourse begins and finish with a type of thunderclap headache pain at the point of orgasm or soon afterwards. Again, these types of headaches are rare, so speak to your doctor if you experience these.


SEE ALSO: Top 6 Dangerous Headaches That Should Send You Straight To The Doctor


13.  The Caffeine Headache

Or should we call it the lack of caffeine headache? That is actually the cause. Caffeine is mildly addicting, and when your body doesn’t get its regular dose, it will let you know with a tremendously unpleasant headache. You can either quit this addiction altogether or continue to feed it. Over-the-counter remedies can help in a pinch.


14. The Dull Persistent Headache

If you have ever had one of those dull, throbbing headaches, you know how persistent they can be. Sometimes they literally go on for days at a time if you don’t take some type of pain reliever.  Doctors do not know the cause of these headaches, and they usually go away on their own, but you might want to try a natural remedy like lavender tea before you resort to those over-the-counter pain relievers. If you find that you get these dull, throbbing headaches more than three or four times each month, you should consider seeing your doctor, as it could be a sign of a more serious problem.






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