15 Cancer Warning Signs Men Tend to Ignore but Shouldn’t

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

7. Changes in Your Testicles

If you find a lump, feel a type of heaviness, or notice any other changes in your testicles, you should have it looked at right away. Prostate cancer tends to grow very slowly, but not testicular cancer, which can skyrocket out of control in weeks. Your doctor will do an ultrasound of your scrotum, which will not hurt but will help your doctor determine the problem.


8. Problems When You Pee

Although most men experience some type of problem when they pee as they grow older, such as leaking, dribbling, difficulty starting to urinate or needing to pee more often, this is generally due to an enlarged prostate. Sometimes, however, it is due to cancer of the prostate, especially if you are a man under 50 years of age. If you find you are having difficulties going pee, see your doctor as soon as possible.


9. Blood in Your Stool or Urine

Blood in either your stool or urine are often the first signs of bladder cancer, colon cancer, or kidney cancer. Even if you have no other symptoms, you should see a doctor right away. There are plenty of other things that cause blood in the urine or stool, but you should find out right away so that you can treat the cause.

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