18 Little Known Healing Properties Of Pineapple


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11. Arthritis

Again, the anti-inflammatory properties of the bromelain helps deal with the inflammation that is associated with arthritis.


12. Cellular health

With its ability to generate collagen, the vitamin C that is in pineapples has been known to help the healing process when it comes to illnesses and infections.


13. Immune system

One serving of pineapple will give you over 130% of the daily recommended dosage of vitamin C. This plays a big part in building the immune system as it helps to increase the activity of your white blood cells. The vitamin C helps to keep free radicals at bay and protects the healthy cells to avoid getting diseases including different types of cancer.


14. Oral health

Another little-known fact about pineapples is that they possess properties that give them astringent qualities. As an astringent, they are able to keep gums strong and helps to cut down on a loose gum line. They are also able to prevent teeth from becoming loose and potentially falling out.

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