18 Reasons Why You Should Eat Cantaloupe All Summer

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

15. Deals with arthritis

If you suffer from the chronic pain of arthritis you may be interested to know that cantaloupes have properties that are anti-inflammatory. This means that they are able to cut down on the oxidative stress on your bones and joints which in turn, cuts down on the inflammation.


16. Helps with digestion

Because of its fiber content, cantaloupes are able to keep your bowels regular, provides an even flow of food to your digestive tract, and will ultimately lower your chances of developing colorectal cancer.


17. Helps promote weight loss

A nice ripe cantaloupe is a wonderful food to consume if you are trying to lose weight. It is low in calories and high in fiber which means your body will digest it slower and you will stay fuller longer.


READ ALSO: 10 Excellent Reasons To Eat More Watermelon This Summer Infographic


18. Reduces hair loss

Another important vitamin that cantaloupes contain is a type of vitamin B called inositol. This vitamin not only increases the growth of your hair but it keeps you from losing the hair you already have.




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