20 Inexpensive, Natural Foods To Prevent Or Reverse Cancer

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

15. Oregano

Can you say Italian food?! Studies show that just ½ a teaspoon of dried oregano contains the same level of antioxidants that 3 cups of raw spinach has! It also has more than its share of vitamin K, which keeps bones strong, and is even a terrific source of fiber, which is well known for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Both dried and fresh oregano have the same level of antioxidants, so no matter which you choose you are the winner in the fight against cancer. Oregano, especially dried, is very inexpensive, so sprinkle that spice everywhere!


16. Tart Cherries

When these are in season, they are a real bargain. You might want to consider juicing and freezing them for later use when the price is not as reasonable. Be sure that you are consuming tart cherries and not the sweeter type, such as Bing cherries. Tart cherries are super anti-inflammatory, which can stop cancer before it even starts. They are also terrific for dieters, as a study on animals done at the University of Michigan showed that when subjects were fed the equivalent of 1.5 cups of tart cherries over a 90-day period, these subjects lost more belly fat than those who were not fed cherries.

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One Comment

  1. Kitsy WooWoo

    Jan 19, 2016 at 9:45 am

    “…studies done by the Harvard Medical School of Boston showed that people
    who drank at least two glasses every day lowered their risk of colon
    cancer by 15 percent.”

    And yet ……:
