20 Of The Best Foods And Herbs For A Healthy Liver


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16. Turmeric

Adding more of this spice to your diet is a super easy way to improve your health and cleanse the liver at the same time. Turmeric will kick start the production of enzymes that will remove harmful carcinogens from your liver and increase the production of bile.


17. Leafy Green Vegetables

If you listen closely, you can hear your liver begging you to eat more of these super healthy foods. Chlorophyll will help filter out toxins at an incredible rate and encourage the production of bile. So look for ways to eat more kale, spinach, beet greens, and mustard greens into your diet.


18. Cold Pressed Oils

Consuming organic oils such as hempseed, flaxseed, or olive oil will help to remove a great deal of toxic stress on your liver. These oils encourage lipid production, which help to absorb harmful compounds and keep them from making your body their home. Always buy virgin, cold pressed oils for the best health benefits.


19. Greater Celandine

This age-old herb is one of the most powerful liver cleansing agents around; even the ancient Greeks and Romans used it for this purpose. In fact, the famous French herbalist Maurice Messegue used this herb for his patients with liver problems. This herb will stimulate the production of enzymes from the pancreas, which will help the liver remove toxins. It also stimulates bile production, soothes the gallbladder, and stimulates a sluggish liver.


SEE ALSO: The Morning Drink that will Give You a Healthy Liver


20. Globe Artichokes

This type of artichoke has a compound called caffeylquinic acid, which has strong liver regenerating effects that are very similar to milk thistle. This is usually sold in capsule form, as a supplement, and the recommended dose is between 300 to 500mg each day.

If you believe that you might have a liver condition, or if you are consuming any prescription drugs, always check with your doctor before consuming any herbs. Even foods as common as grapefruit can cause serious drug interactions. If you are pregnant or have any type of health condition, you should always consult your holistically minded physician before you begin any herb or other type of cleansing program.







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