20 Super Foods that Naturally Cleanse Your Liver

Human Liver

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11. Turmeric

This is your liver’s absolutely favorite spice so use it frequently to help boost the detoxification of your liver. Turmeric will help those enzymes to flush out dietary carcinogens.


12. Leafy Green Veggies

It’s the chlorophyll in these veggies that actually absorb toxins, increase the body’s production of bile, neutralize heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemicals, which will lessen the burden placed on the liver.


13. Avocados

These super nutrient dense powerhouses help the body naturally produce glutathione. Read more about avocados for health and beauty.


14. Dandelion

Drinking dandelion root tea will help your liver to break down fats, produce important amino acids, and help to rid your body of overall toxins.


15. Apples

Apples are high in pectin and other compounds that are essential to cleanse and release toxins from within your digestive tract. Apples make things easier for your liver. Always choose organic apples as conventional apples are loaded with pesticides.


16. Garlic

The sulfur in garlic is another great compound for activating the enzymes in your liver that will help it to flush out those nasty toxins. Garlic is also high in selenium, and alllicin, two other helpful compounds when it comes to liver cleansing.


17. Brussels Sprouts

This veggie has the one-two punch of being high in sulfur, like garlic, and high in glucosinolates, which compels the liver to make enzymes that protect the body from damage from dietary or environmental toxins.


18. Cruciferous Veggies

Eating more of broccoli and cauliflower will help your body to increase the number of enzymes in your system to flush out not only toxins, but other carcinogens as well.


19. Asparagus

This veggie is a fantastic diuretic, which will greatly help in the cleansing process and shoulder some of the detox load of both the kidneys and the liver. Find out more benefits of asparagus.


20. Bok Choy

Also called Chinese white cabbage. Full of antioxidants and phytonutirents, this veggie really encourages your liver to create enzymes that will help in the detoxification process while protecting you from certain cancers. Add it to your salads or stir fry’s and feel good about eating it. Read more about all benefits of bok choy.





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