20 Unbelievable Things Bananas Can Do For You!

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

If you only think of an ice cream treat or a warm slice of a moist dessert bread when you hear the word “banana,” then you have a lot to learn about this super food and all of its hidden health benefits! Bananas are one of the most popular edible fruits in the world. And did you know that botanically it is actually a berry? Even though bananas are grown miles away, mainly in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia, they are easily accessible in the US and found in just about any grocery store.

The delicious fruits are inexpensive and can go from being a nutritious and easily transportable snack that doesn’t need refrigeration to a delicious creamed pie or yummy pancakes. No matter how you prefer consuming your bananas, you will want to add them to your diet on a regular basis when you see how they can heal what may concern you.


1. Helps keep your blood sugar levels even

If you eat a couple of bananas before you exercise, you will have more energy and your blood sugar will remain level.


2. Eliminates depression

Bananas are rich in tryptophan, and when it turns over to serotonin, it will put you in a great mood.

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