20 Ways To Treat Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Fish Oil Capsules

Photo credit: bigstock.com

11. Fish oil

A clinical trial found that people who had asthma related to allergies had lower contributors to allergies when they took fish oil daily.


10. A Neti pot

Try using a Neti pot and fill it with either a saline rinse or a mixture of a teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan salt and a quart of distilled water that has been boiled and cooled down.


12. Eat chicken instead of beef

After a two-year clinical study of 1,336 people without hay fever and 334 who did suffer from it, the findings were that those who ate red meat instead of chicken were three times more likely to get hay fever. Meat has more oleic acid, which is a type of monounsaturated fat, than chicken has.


13. Use a saline spray before your allergies hit

A study of participants who sprayed their nasal passages daily to rinse away any pollen were able to lower the amount of drugs that were needed once their allergies were in full bloom.


14. Wear sunglasses and a large hat outdoors

You may be mistaken for a movie star, but at least they will prevent any bee pollen from flying into your face and eyes making them watery and itchy.

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