8 Terrific Exercises To Get Rid Of Jell-O Arms


Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. Kickbacks

This exercise works best with a light two-pound weight. Hold the dumbbells in your hands and kneel on the floor. Bend your torso forward from the hips and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Extend your arms backwards so that your palms are facing each other. You should feel the tension in the back of your arms pretty quickly. Keep your arms close to your side. Start with 10 reps and work your way up to three sets of 10 reps.


7. The Bent Row

Stand up and put your feet about shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly while you bend your upper body forwards at the hips. Keep your spine neutral and watch your lower back. Your palms should be directly under your shoulders. Bend your elbows backwards while lifting your arms towards the sides of your chest. Your shoulder blades will be pulled towards each other. Lower your dumbbells in a controlled movement. You should feel the tension in your triceps. Start with 10 reps and work yourself up to three sets of 10 reps.


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8. Triceps Extensions

You can do this exercise either lying on the floor or standing up. Dumbbells are helpful here.

If you want to stand:

Stand with your knees slightly bent, not locked. Put your elbows next to your ears with a dumbbell in each hand. Straighten your arms so that your weights are overhead. Keep your elbows close as possible to your head to ensure that your arms are doing the work. Return to start. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

If you lie on the floor:

Lie down on your back and raise your arms above your chest. Keeping your elbows slightly bent (don’t lock them). Bend your elbows so that they are at a 90 degree angle and the weight will touch the floor. Your elbows should be on either side of your head. Return to the start position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

You don’t have to do every one of these exercises every day, but doing at least two or three each day will only take a few minutes and it will help you to get rid of those flabby jello arms quickly.






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