Aphrodisiac Foods: Boost Your Mood For Valentine’s Day

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There are a wide variety of foods that contain aphrodisiac properties, and many that you wouldn’t even imagine would have any! In simple terms, this means that these foods boost your sex drive in the most delicious and natural way possible. It’s a win-win situation for all involved! Read on to discover the foods with the most potent aphrodisiac properties which is just the ticket to get you in the mood in time for Valentine’s day. Who knows? Maybe you were already enjoying some of these without even realizing it!


1. Oysters

Of course, the one everyone has heard of is at the top of the list, and for good reason! Oysters really are the food of love. Potent aphrodisiacs, which Casanova was said to have consumed large quantities of must work! Their effect, on both men and women by the way, is thanks to the fact that they boost dopamine production in the brain, which in turn increases libido. They are also a very rich source of iron and zinc, two minerals which are very important in the production of testosterone.


2. Dark chocolate

A slightly more popular one at number two is the superfood dark chocolate. Well-known for its huge range of health benefits and not to mention delicious, indulgent taste, dark chocolate has strong aphrodisiac properties. This is mainly thanks to a chemical present in cocoa called phenylethlamine, which stimulates our sense of excitement and wellbeing. If you’re not a fan of dark chocolate on its own, why not try incorporating it into a healthy recipe? The higher the cocoa content, the better. Try making the perfect Valentine’s gift with homemade chocolate truffles and you’ll be fulfilling a dual purpose…if you know what we mean!


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3. Pomegranate

Pomegranates are an ancient fruit which have been enjoyed by cultures over the centuries and all around the world. They were a particular favourite of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, perhaps because they recognised the fruit’s place as a miracle aphrodisiac! Pomegranates boost libido in a similar way to oysters in that they increase the production of testosterone, the hormone that stimulates sexual appetite. The fruit is very versatile and can be enjoyed on its own in fresh salads and even in cocktails! Not only that but they are super healthy, too!

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