Best Ways to Avoid Fluoride and Top Detox Tips


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Avoid Fluoride


1. Purify Your Water

First off, you should know that those pitcher types of filters, such as Pur or Brita, do NOT remove fluoride. Drinking distilled water is not good for your health either as it lacks vital vitamins and minerals. The natural minerals in water are even more important than the vitamins. You can re-mineralize your distilled water by simply adding just a pinch of sea salt per pint.

Alternately, you could buy a reverse osmosis water filter in your home. If this option is too expensive then using one of those reverse osmosis water purifiers that are found in many conventional supermarkets and almost all health food stores is another way to do this.

Sodium fluoride often replaces the iodine that your thyroid gland needs in order to work properly. Be certain that you are supplementing your diet with some food grade iodine.


2. Choose Organic

Yet another reason to choose organic foods is that these are not sprayed with fluoride salts as a means of pesticide control. Avoid soymilk as these products contain high levels of sodium fluoride. You might want to consider changing to a nut milk, such as almond milk. Overly processed foods and drinks, such as grape juice, usually contain high levels of sodium fluoride.


SEE ALSO: This One Thing Can Protect You from the Ravages of Fluoride

3. Read Labels

Although it isn’t always printed, some labels do list sodium fluoride. Many brands of baby or infant formula, for example, will now list in large letters that they contain NO fluoride. If it doesn’t, you should check that label carefully. Anything containing soy or corn will not only be GMO, but it will most likely contain fluoride as well. Also, read water bottle labels as some of these contain fluoride as well.

You will need to detox and remove the fluoride that is present in your body. There are several ways to do this so you might want to try to do more than one of the following to assist your body in removing this dangerous chemical. Fluoride is often stored in fat, which will be the most difficult place to remove it from, but if you focus and practice some of the following tips, you can do it.

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One Comment

  1. Kitsy WooWoo

    May 1, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    “Fluoride can help prevent cavities, however, most people get all the fluoride they need in their toothpaste and/or mouthwash.” Perhaps those “most people” could — at least for starters –use toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride. Same with mouthwash, if they think they even need it.

    “Avoid soymilk as these products contain high levels of sodium fluoride.” Are you saying that, for instance, Westsoy’s organic, unsweetened soymilk — which claims it consists of nothing but filtered water and whole organic soybeans — also includes “high levels of sodium fluoride”? And they don’t need to put this info on their container?