Can Drinking Red Wine Stop High Blood Pressure?

alcohol drinks

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Resveratrol, one of the compounds mentioned by the researchers in their closing statement, deserves extra attention, since this is the compound responsible for the health benefits of red wine. This is a natural phenol, which you can buy as a supplement, but it found in red grapes. It has been shown in earlier tests to trigger cancer cell death, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and prevent insulin resistance in the body. Some scientists believe that red wine (and the resveratrol that’s in it) can help you live longer. People in the Mediterranean drink red wine regularly and they have the longest life spans of anyone in Europe.

You should not that it’s not the alcohol in wine that is good for you, but rather the resveratrol and other antioxidant compounds in red wine that are good for your health. See more what wine is.

One research study done in Spain studied 67 men with three or more cardiovascular risk factors had lower blood pressure after drinking non-alcoholic red wine every day for a four week period.

Researchers suggest that drinking non-alcoholic red wine could cut the risk of heart disease by 14 percent and the risk of stroke by as much as 20 percent.

Of course, if wine does not appeal to you, you can always eat fresh, organic red grapes. Don’t spit out the seeds, either, as grape seeds also have their own set of health benefits. Simply swallow them whole.

The study performed in Spain was published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation Research.

So have some organic red grapes as a snack or drink a glass of red wine with dinner. No matter how you look at it, there are healthy heart benefits to be had, including a decrease in blood pressure.


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