Food Labels Trick You into Eating GMO Food

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You might think that you are one of the more savvy shoppers because you take the time to read food labels and only buy foods that say natural, organic, or GMO free. Reading food labels is a good thing, no one would ever tell you otherwise, but did you know that many of those food labels are…well, let’s put it this way, they aren’t exactly truthful.

One of the reasons they aren’t completely truthful is due to the labeling laws in this country. There really are no guidelines for what “natural” means. The water in a can of GMO corn is natural, isn’t it? This is misrepresentation at its finest.

Consumer Reports has a better labeling standard than the US government does! Their limit for whether or not a food product can be considered GMO Free is 0.9, just under one percent. Consumer Reports teste 80 samples of products that claimed they were GMO free, natural, or organic. Now, many of these products were not completely GMO, such as a can of corn, but many of them contained some items that could be GMO, such as apple juice, for example, which can be sweetened with GMO corn syrup or GMO sugar beets.

None of the items that were labeled No-GMO or GMO Free, or those that were labeled organic exceeded Consumer Reports limit of less than 1 percent. Almost everything simply labeled as “natural” did.

The “natural” or “100 percent natural” or “completely natural” is nothing more than a big marketing scam! The industries that produce these foods don’t want you to know that their products contain GMOs and they spend millions of dollars every year lobbying congress and fighting labeling laws. About 92 percent of American consumers say that they WANT their labels to tell them the truth about their food, including if it contains any GMOs, and if so, how much. To tell the truth, it’s kind of hard to figure out, isn’t it? If their foods are so “natural” and safe, if GMOs are harmless, then why are food manufacturers trying so hard to fight labeling laws?  This is a rhetorical question, of course, as food manufacturers know all too well, as most Americans do, that their foods are anything but natural or safe.

In fact, even products that claimed that they were Non-GMO, in fact, did contain GMO products. One brand of tortilla chips, in big, bold letters, stated that they were Non-GMO but, when tested by Consumer Reports, found that these chips contained more than 75 percent GMO corn. Always look for the Certified Organic label, the “USDA Organic,” or the “Non-GMO Project” seal is on your product. Those are reliable labels you can trust.

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One Comment

  1. robber2112

    Feb 16, 2015 at 5:20 pm

    ALL GMO foods should be labeled as such. not printing this on food labels, just goes to prove they are not good to eat. Death to you Monsanto for polluting our food….