Healthy Natural Items To Include In Your First Aid Kit

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Everyone should always have some kind of a first aid kit handy. If you have small children, your life will be so much easier if you do have at least a few items handy. But besides the typical products you will find in a first aid kit, this list has a comprehensive number of suggestions that you may want to include in your first aid kit for future use.


Regular First Aid Items

    • Bottled water – keep one or two bottles of water on hand, and if you can try bring them frozen so they will be thawed by the time you need them. The water will come in handy in case someone comes down with a case of the hiccups.
    • Hot or cold packs – they do sell packs that can be used hot or cold and can be activated quickly in case you need one or the other.
    • Aloe Vera Plant or gel – this is one of the best and quickest ways to help treat a burn. If you have a plant, just break open a piece from the plant and directly apply the gel. You can also buy it already in a gel form.
    • Hydrogen Peroxide – good for cleaning out any cuts or bruises so they will not become infected. Peroxide is also good for getting the wax out of the ear canal. Just apply a small amount in your ear and hold your head sideways until it stops bubbling. Turn your ear when done and wipe any of the liquid that runs out.
    • Neosporin – this is one of the best topical antibiotic gels you can apply to a cut or bruise. Apply it a couple of times a day and the area will be healed quickly.
    • Bandages, gauze, and tape – It’s good to have a variety of these as you never know when you will need them and the sizes may range. A little pair of scissors will help as well to cut the bandages to size.
    • Thermometer – this is an item you can easily pick up at the drug store but it is very important, especially with small children around.
    • Citronella insect repellant – if you know you are going to be in an area where there are going to be an influx of gnats or mosquitos, it is always good to have a good bug spray.
    • Hand sanitizer – one simple bottle of hand sanitizer can be invaluable if you don’t have access to water or a sink.

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    Antibiotics and Pain Relief

        • Goldenseal – this antibiotic and antibacterial potion can be put on cuts to keep them from becoming infected.
        • Vitamin C – this supplement is great if you feel a cold coming on. You can take it every couple of hours until you start feeling better.
        • Arnica – this crème is used topically to relieve any kind of bruises, injuries, or muscle pains. Don’t apply it to an open cut, but when used on bruises you will find that it will start delivering relief right away.

    Herbs and Supplements

        • Echinacea – this supplement is both an antibiotic and acts as an antibacterial.
        • Ginger – keep this handy in case someone comes down with a tummy ache. Either bring a small bottle of ginger ale or carry a ginger tea bag with you.
        • Clove Oil – this amazing product can help to ease any pain you have from a tooth gone bad. It will actually numb the area and it is safe to reapply.
        • Neem – keep this on hand to use as an insect repellant. It can also help to take care of any irritations to the skin.
        • Licorice Tea – this or just about any other tea will help to relieve a sore throat.

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    Close-up Of Baking Soda In A Glass Jar.

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      Extra Stuff

          • Probiotics – many people don’t leave home without their probiotics anyway, so why not add one to your first aid kit? It is good to have around in case someone has a problem with diarrhea.
          • Vitamin D – just 50,000 units taken every day for three days will help get rid of your cold or flu right away.
          • Cayenne powder – this item also comes in a capsule form and is great for stopping any type of sudden bleeding.
          • Epsom salt – this product is best used as a soak to ease sore muscles. It can also use it to take out a splinter.
          • Baking soda – this product has hundreds of uses but in a first aid kit it will come in handy if anyone ends up with a spider bit. Take a small amount and make a paste with a little water; apply it directly to the spider bite.


      Unique Items You Might Want to Try

          • Lavender Oil – this stress reliever can help to get rid of a headache when dabbed on the temples of your face and on your wrists.
          • Activated charcoal – keep this on hand in case anyone comes down with food poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, or has ingested any toxins by mistake. It’s a god idea to have the phone number for the closest poison control center tucked in or added to your cell phone.
          • Chamomile – this great relaxer can be made into a tea or even put into the bath for little ones to calm them down. One of the best uses is to take chamomile flowers and grind them into a dressing. Put it on some gauze and let it sit on an eye that has been infected with pink eye. Keep it on the eye for about 15 minutes for a couple of hours and you will see some quick relief.
          • Eucalyptus Oil – the eucalyptus oil can safely and quickly relieve respiratory issues when put into a steamer for the face. You can also create your own type of rubbing compound to relieve coughing and any respiratory problems.


      READ ALSO: 10 All Natural Antibiotics You Don’t Need A Prescription For


          • Peppermint Oil – make this oil into a tea to resolve any digestive problems. It can also help with bouts of nausea.
          • Essential Oil – combine this oil with olive oil or coconut oil and rub it on the chest and feet to get passageways from the nasal areas open.

