How To Wake Up Faster In The Morning

Young man peacefully sleeping in bed

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11. Don’t sleep in on the weekends

Keep your routine even over the weekends. If you decide to sleep in over the weekend, you will have to get use to your wake-up routine again every Monday.


12. Take your shower in the morning

You may have to walk into the bathroom with your eyes still closed but once you step into a refreshing shower you are going to feel great. It’s worth it to feel clean and refreshed and ready for the day.


13. Set your clothes out the night before

Having your clothes picked out and ready for the next day will make you feel ready to go and not rushed. Enjoy the feeling of being organized and it will carry you through the day.


14. Set up an appointment first thing in the morning

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to set up an appointment first thing in the morning. You may go kicking and screaming as you get ready and get yourself to your appointment on time, but once it’s done you will feel so happy it will be well worth it.


15. Exercise when you first get up

Many people can’t decide whether to exercise first thing in the morning or later in the day. If you exercise when you first get up, you will feel energized, burn calories throughout the day, plus you have it already done it and you won’t be able to put it off because something came up.


READ ALSO: 10 Houseplants For Getting Better Sleep Infographic


16. Have your breakfast ready in the morning

There are many things you can do to have your breakfast ready for you as soon as you wake up. Set your coffeemaker to brew your coffee as soon as you wake up. There are ways to set up your oatmeal in a jar with all the toppings in your fridge so you can just grab it in the morning.


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  1. Olivia Stone

    May 14, 2017 at 6:06 pm

    hahaha I really need this as I am an night owl. Anyways as I have read in the Consumer Health Digest, I should get at least 7 hour of sleep which I cant get. Yeah I really need to lay off the gadgets at night as the blue light can increase melatonin production

  2. mary ann

    May 30, 2017 at 8:10 am

    I love when I read get at least 7 to 8 hrs of sleep. So what do you do when you go to sleep, close your eyes, clear your mind and nothing happens????? You are wide awake.

  3. Marvin Zinn

    Aug 24, 2017 at 7:44 am

    I only get four to five hours per night, sometimes a few minutes during the day. Anytime I am awake my mind is crammed with tasks I ABSOLUTELY MUST get done, so I might as well get up and finish it or would never sleep at all. (That includes reading these articles I have interest in, and making comments like this.)