Innumerate Traditional Japanese Beauty Secrets To Adopt

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7. Choosing the right oil

When it comes to oil, Japanese women know just what works and what doesn’t. What works is camellia oil. This oil is able to seal moisture into the skin keeping it hydrated, as well as reducing wrinkles from developing.


8. Less is more when it comes to makeup

Japanese women use makeup to enhance their looks rather than try to recreate it. They use high-quality makeup and apply it to their porcelain complexion. When you put on too much makeup you are drawing more attention to skin that needs help rather than creating the perfect showcase for a flawless complexion.


9. Keep it simple

Japanese women believe in quality, not quantity. They don’t load up their vanity with tons of products, but put their focus on a small number of the best products around. They create a simple routine and stick to it every day. Most start out their day by cleaning their face in the morning then follow it up with a toner. They then smooth on a concentrated serum around the tender eye area and then apply a good moisturizer over their entire face. At night, they do the same type of routine by cleansing their face and end it by applying a good overnight cream.

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