Is Your Sunscreen Causing More Cancer Than The Sun?

Sunscreen woman putting sunblock lotion on shoulder before tanni

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You have been warned for years about the damage that the rays of the sun can do to you. You are doing everything you can to avoid the chances of contracting cancer from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. When you slather on the highest number of protection listed on you sunscreen you breathe a sigh of relief that you are perfectly safe now and no mean old rays can get you now…or can they?


Is Your Sunscreen Safe?

Has it ever crossed your mind that the sunscreen you are using could be doing more damage to your skin that the actual sun? Scientists have long known that whatever you put on your skin is quickly absorbed by your body. Some of the best-known sunscreens on the market are brimming with unsafe chemicals such as triclosan, oxybenzone, parabens, and phthalate, to name a few.

As we try to keep our children and ourselves safe from developing cancer from the sun, we are faced with the major companies telling us that their sunscreens will protect you and the scientists who tell us that these products are made up of toxic ingredients that can do more damage than good.


What Exactly Can These Ingredients Do?

These are not ingredients that are going to cause you to develop a rash on your skin or anything minor, these chemicals can cause you severe harm.

  • Oxybenzone. When this ingredient enters your bloodstream it can really mess with your hormones if you are a woman. Some older women were found to have developed endometriosis while pregnant women found their baby daughters were born with much lower birth rates. Another study by the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology that is located at the University of Zurich found that oxybenzone copies the results of having estrogen in your body and it actually can cause cancer cells to grow.
  • Fragrances. Many of the ingredients that are listed in sunscreens under the fragrance title include harmful ingredients such as synthetic musk, parabens, and phthalates. This would be especially bothersome to anyone who is allergic to specific fragrances.
  • Retinyl Palmitate. This additive is also known as being a type of vitamin A. It is known to cause the skin to create tumors and lesions as a result of being exposed to the sun. When used in sunscreen with the skin being exposed to the sun, this ingredient can cause cancer cells to develop and produce cancerous cells.

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