Million Ways To Reduce Wrinkles

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There’s no stopping the train of time, but there does seem to be quite a bit you can do about it showing up on your face. Recent research has proven more and more that there are many things you can do to prevent wrinkles on your face and maybe even something you can do about reducing your current wrinkles. If wrinkles are stressing you out, check out some of the ways below that you can help reduce them (tip: don’t stress!).

We’ve summed up a few maybe not-so-well-known ways to help you prevent wrinkles from forming. We are almost all aware of some of the most common tips such as wearing sunscreen, not smoking, not drinking excessively, and wearing moisturizer. But if all of these are still not enough to stop wrinkles from sneaking up on you, read on for some more tips.

What To Eat

1. Increase Collagen Intake

Collagen is one of the most important component of your skin – and it starts decreasing as you age, especially after 30. Age-related wrinkles are usually due to a breakdown of collagen and not being replenished at a fast enough rate in the body. The good news is that it doesn’t mean it will absolutely happen to you as you age – collagen in found in many foods that we can eat and in abundance. Bone broths, eggs, and meats are excellent sources of collagen but even if your lifestyle doesn’t include those foods you can find collagen in many vegetables. Berries, tomatoes, avocadoes, carrots, pumpkin seeds, beans, chia seeds, and most dark, leafy veggies contain high enough amounts of collagen. Of course, you can also always add collagen as a supplement to your diet – just make sure that it is a high-quality ingredient that you can trace the source of.

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