MIY Spicy Pumpkin Facial Mask Recipes


Photo credit: bigstock.com

‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice everything isn’t it? If you are a pumpkin lover, then this is most likely your favorite season of all. It seems as if everyone is making a pumpkin spice something or other, including day spas. Several of them are advertising pumpkin baths and pumpkin facials with natural ingredients such as honey, cinnamon, and, naturally, pumpkin.

Well, don’t go to a day spa and pay 100 dollars for a mask you can make yourself at home for pennies!

Pumpkin is terrific for your skin  because it has zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C, along with antioxidants and enzymes that are very similar to a treatment you have most likely heard of before called alpha-hydroxy.

Clay is another great ingredient to naturally soothe and exfoliate your skin. Don’t rob your kid’s toy box, though; pick up some bentonite clay at your local health food store, or purchase some online.

Honey is super nourishing to your skin and is a terrific cleanser. You will find that this mask will not only soften your skin, but add a bright note to your complexion.

Cinnamon is super high in antioxidants and provides a warming type of action to the mask but take note: cinnamon can be quite strong, especially if you have sensitive skin. A little bit goes a long way. Remember that you can always add more! Test a bit on the inside of your arm if you tend to have sensitive skin before you put it on your face.

This recipe makes 2 masks so invite a friend or draft your daughter! (Or mother!)


MIY Spicy Pumpkin Face Mask


  • 1 Teaspoon raw, organic honey
  • ½ Teaspoon bentonite clay
  • ¼ Teaspoon  (more or less) cinnamon powder
  • 1 Teaspoon fresh, pumpkin puree (if you use canned, be sure it has no other added ingredients)


  • Mix all ingredients in a small bowl
  • Apply to your clean face
  • Gently rub it in a bit with soft, circular motions
  • Allow to set for 5 or 6 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water and a soft washcloth

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