One Popular Herb Is Just As Effective As Tamiflu

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So it is no wonder that the rate of complications for those who consumed Echinacea was only 2.46 percent, and those who consumed Tamiflu had a 6.5 percent complication rate. Echinacea has fewer side effects, most notably in the areas of vomiting and nausea. Some subjects who were consuming Tamiflu had to drop out of the program due to very unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects. There were no dropouts and almost no complaints among those taking the Echinacea.

Although we know it by the name Echinacea, it also goes by other names such as Sampson root, purple cone flower, Black Sampson, and red sunflower. Echinacea grows easily in most locations and self-seeds, so you should only have to plant it once to have it return to your garden again and again, as long as you don’t overharvest it. You can dry and use the flowers, leaves, and roots as a tincture or as a tea. Others prefer to take this herb in a supplement form.

Echinacea can also be used as a mouthwash and gargle to stop sore throats; applied to the skin for stopping the pain and itch of bug bites and stings; as well as for healing cuts and other minor skin wounds. Echinacea has anti-inflammatory compounds, which also makes it good for stopping the pain of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Of course, one of the best ways you can reduce your likelihood of developing the flu or a cold is to simply spend time in the sun. UV light from the sun is a powerful antiviral, and it can help stimulate the production of immune-boosting vitamin D. Of course, numerous studies have also shown that getting enough sleep is important, both for beating the flu as well as for reducing your chances of getting the flu. You should also increase your consumption of foods that are rich in antioxidants such with a wide variety of vegetables and plenty of berries, which are vital for supporting a healthy immune system. Exercise is also an important factor for a strong immune system, so be certain to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days, no matter the weather.

An analysis of more than 14 studies in 2007 found that Echinacea reduced the duration of the common cold by almost two days and that those who took it before they were sick were 58 percent less likely to contract a cold or the influenza virus in the first place.

The bottom line here is that taking Echinacea might help prevent you from becoming sick this winter, and if you should get the flu, this herbal extract will cut your illness short with fewer symptoms, and you shouldn’t have any unwanted  side effects like you might have with Tamiflu.

Enough said.



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