This One Vitamin is Crucial for Your Heart

Healthy Diet. Flax Seeds

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This is another study that shows how vital vitamin D is to our bodies, especially if you have a personal or family history risk of heart disease. Of course there are other factors that affect your risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and diabetes, but this is perhaps one of the easiest risk factors that you have control over.


SEE ALSO: Dementia and Vitamin D Deficiency: Is There a Link?


Vitamin D acts something like a hormone in our bodies, regulating as many as 200 genes. For one little vitamin, it does a massive amount of work in our bodies including:

  • Regulates blood sugar levels in the pancreas
  • Regulates blood pressure in the kidneys
  • Stops abnormal cells from multiplying in the colon and breast

Safe sunlight exposure is one way to get vitamin D. You can also consume more foods that are high in vitamin D such as dark, leafy greens, fatty fish such as sardines, and dairy products. Read more about sources of Vitamin D.

These studies show that eating healthy does so much more for us than just provide for our everyday wellbeing, but it is vital when the body needs to repair itself after an injury. The capacity of our bodies to heal themselves is simply remarkable, if we give it the right nutrition to do so.


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