Oregano Oil: One of the Most Powerful Oils on the Planet

herbs and essential oils on science sheet

Photo credit: bigstock.com

6. High in Antioxidants

Oregano oil contains a strong antioxidant called rosmarinic acid, which provides powerful immune system support. Oregano has one of the highest antioxidant activity ratings you can find.


7. Anti-Inflammatory Compounds

Beta-caryophyllin (E-BCP), is a substance that oregano oil contains that is known to inhibit inflammation in the body. It can also help stop metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, and arteriosclerosis.


8. Antiseptic Power

Oregano oil also contains strong phenols called thymol and carvacrol, along with pinene and terpinene. These are strong antiseptic compounds which have healing properties. With all these germ fighting abilities, you might want to start thinking of oregano oil as Mother Nature’s antibiotic!


9. Supports Digestive Health

Since oregano oil has such strong antiviral and antibacterial compounds, it’s terrific for fighting those stomach bugs that seem to come around every now and then. One study showed that oregano oil might even fight parasite infections.


10. Headache Killer

When you have a killer headache, try the natural headache killer, oregano oil. Although there are no published studies in this area, many people report almost instant relief from both smelling oregano oil as well as from rubbing some directly on the affected area.  Others say that nothing kills an earache faster than a few drops of oregano oil placed directly in the ear. Find out more natural remedies for headache.

There are a few more things you should know about oregano oil. First off, it’s meant for short term use only. If oregano oil does not solve your problem after about 10 days, discontinue use.

It also tastes pretty awful; no matter how much you love Greek food or oregano, it’s much stronger in oil form, so be prepared.

Also, because it is so strong, oregano oil is not for everyone.  Don’t give oregano oil to infants, children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. You should also avoid oregano oil if you have hypertension or heart issues.




World’s Healthiest Foods, Oregano

J. Nutr. May 1, 2003 vol. 133 no. 5 1286-1290

J. Agric. Food Chem., 2005, 53 (21), pp 8162–8168

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  1. rick

    Feb 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    What is NOT mention, which is SERIOUS, is that this oil will burn burn burn… and I can’t imagine taking it internally even WITH a carrier. OBVIOUSLY more research should be done by anyone interested in this oil…. this is just tip of the iceberg…. BESIDES, taking an herb or essential oil or drug or ? is removing the SYMPTOM… without addressing the original CAUSE of the “problem”…. address THAT issue & then we are onto real health

  2. frank

    Nov 25, 2017 at 1:22 am

    My psoriasis was caused by a fungal infection aggravated by a life event stressor and an unbalanced immune system. Oregano oil was one of a few that yes, indeed, helped clear up the fungal infection and therefore, the psoriasis. I also took it internally every night; just 3gtts with 10gtts of CBD under the tongue. Held it as long as possible. It only “burned” after I swallowed. A bit of liquid helped there. Took care of the candida in my blood, too.

  3. Oregano Essential

    Apr 10, 2018 at 6:52 am

    My Moms Cocker Spaniel has suffered from bacterial infections for 3 years. After many vet visits and prescription pills, it only came back with a vengeance after her immune system was depleted from those chemicals. She lost all of her hair on her chest, armpits, belly and genital area. The area between her toes had yeasty buildup. Especially sad is that the top of her nose was dried out and crusted over because the infection was also in her saliva so every time she would lick her nose some of that bad bacteria was transferred to it and she constantly rubbed it on the ground and I could tell it was just so uncomfortable. She had a bad smell and buildup in her ears also, even after trying vinegar washes and many over the counter ear cleansing solutions.

    I referred my mom to use oregano oil. It took her some time before she finally gave it a try. After 4 topical applications of oregano oil mixed with coconut oil (4 drops per 8 tsp coconut oil) , literally 4, over 2 days, her nose is almost completely healed, she has all but stopped scratching, her toes are dry and all of her dry skin is baby soft!! she became speechless as to how fast this has worked, and the oil will last a very long time. She applied it liberally to any problem areas and she has licked it off her nose every time she applied it with no adverse reactions. Even better is that her dogs personality is returning and her appetite too. She is so excited to keep up this regimen and encourage anyone with a dog that has any skin issues to research this and give it a try.