Is It Possible To Overcome Ovarian Cancer With Nutrition? Video

Evita Ramparte is a woman who managed to overcome a serious case of ovarian cancer with the help of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.

The woman was diagnosed with cancer after a visit to the doctor. She found out that her illness was definitely the reason for her constant pain. The doctor said that chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation were the only ways to mitigate the illness, though the efficiency of these procedures was quite questionable and not guaranteed.

But Evita Ramparte didn’t want to give up and decided to visit an alternative health professional, who recommended a regiment of Gerson-style juicing. This diet and lifestyle helped Evita not only to lose some weight, remove about 16 stones from her gallbladder, and look physically healthier and more attractive, she also got to experience the mental benefits of her new healthy lifestyle. But could it be that nutrition allowed her to get rid of cancer?
