Protein Paradise For Vegetarians: 12 Non-Meat Sources Of Protein

Lentils mix

Photo credit: bigstock

4. Lentils

Lentils, although they are a good substitute for animal protein, they are not a complete protein because they lack all nine of the essential amino acids. One cup of lentils has 18 grams of protein, as well as niacin, zinc, potassium, fiber, iron, phosphorous, and folate. Lentils come in different sizes, shapes, and colors and are readily available. Lentils will give you tons of energy, reduce the risk of coronary disease, and keep the digestive system working smoothly.


5. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is great way to get a quick protein boost. This nut butter is a good source of fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Peanut butter contains eight grams of protein in just two tiny tablespoons, along with vitamin B6, B3, E, folate, iron, zinc, magnesium, and manganese. You can make your own peanut butter at home easily without unwanted ingredients.


6. Edamame

Edamame are young soy beans that are removed from the pod before they mature and harden. Edamame is a complete protein that has all of the essential amino acids that the body needs. Just one cup of edamame has a whopping 17 grams of protein, in addition to fiber, iron, magnesium, vitamins K and C, as well as omega-3 alpha linolenic acid. Yu can buy them shelled or in the pod, fresh or frozen. Edamame also encourages beautiful hair and skin!

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