The Perils Of A Toxic Relationship

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2. Demands of both – time and energy

When you’re in a relationship that is toxic in nature, you’ll be spending a great deal of time making sure the other person is doing well. You will end up spending even more time over-analyzing moods, emotions, things they said, and more in an effort to understand or avoid things that make them uncomfortable. A toxic person is usually narcissistic, and everything revolves around them. If you feel like there’s not a lot left for you, it is very possible that you’re in a toxic relationship. These experiences are very demanding of our energy and as a result, can leave us feeling drained or used.


3. Fosters a negative environment

A toxic relationship not only breeds negativity, but it feeds on it. You will never make a toxic person happy; it is an impossible venture. There will never be a perfect experience or event for a toxic person, and you’ll will always be the scapegoat if things don’t go as planned. In this situation, negativity will always be the dominant emotion. You’ll feel like you have a dark cloud hanging over your life and your relationships. In a situation like this, it is important to understand that you are not the cause or reason of your partner’s unhappiness. They will be unhappy regardless, and you are not at fault.


4. Sets up a pattern for future partnerships

A toxic relationship will define how you look at relationships in the future and possible even taint relationships. It will set up an expectation for all relationships that come after and possibly trap you in a vicious cycle. If you have experience with a toxic person, it is highly likely that you’ll seek out others in the future. This is because we learn from our personal experiences, so we apply the past to our present. It may also make it harder to recognize when a relationship is bad for you.


5. Impacts to your health and wellbeing

It is well-known that stress can impact your health in a negative way, so just imagine being exposed on a daily basis! It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy and in good shape, mental health plays a huge role in how we feel physically. A toxic partner is a drain on all your resources, including mental and emotional. Stress has been known to cause health issues like ulcers and impact your overall happiness. It can be incredibly difficult to recover from anxiety or stress-based illnesses because many of them impact you psychologically.


READ ALSO: The Secret Of Happy Relationships Infographic


As you can see, the impact of a toxic person and relationship can be hazardous to your health. There’s really no good reason to stay in a relationship where you are not valued either. When you’re in a toxic relationship, you can sometimes overlook the negative effects on your life or even make excuses for your partner; however, be aware that these relationships have perils that should not be ignored. It may be difficult to end the relationship, but your wellbeing and happiness is much more important in the long run.


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