The Top 6 Ways That Red Clover Balances Hormones

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Researchers have discovered that the use of red clover has had such positive results in helping deal with hormonal issues they are encouraging more and more women and men to try it out in place of their regular medications.


1. Helps deal with the symptoms of menopause

The Gynecological Endocrinology journal published their findings regarding the effect of red clover on menopausal women. In the study, 60 women who were all over the age of 40 had a Blatt-Kupperman Menopausal score of 15. This means they had the same levels of menstrual symptoms.

Each of the women either received a supplement of 80 milligrams of red clover daily for the next 90 days or a placebo. After 90 days, there was a week of rest, and then the groups switched treatments for the next 90 days. The conclusions showed that the red clover decreased the overall symptoms of menopause significantly, and the scores improved by 78 percent as opposed to the 23 percent increase from the placebos.


2. Reduces hot flashes

Hot flashes usually are a common problem for women going through menopause. The problem has come up with women who survived breast cancer, but ended up in early menopause because of the effects of their surgery and the chemotherapy. Breast cancer survivors are not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy because it has been found that estrogen may be responsible for giving women breast cancer. Instead, these women were given 80 mg of red clover every day to deal with their hot flashes. The red clover lowered the hot flashes by 44 percent and their other symptoms decreased by 13 percent.


3. Eliminates bone loss

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ran a double-blind study that was randomized and consisted of controlled placebos. The study tested how well the isoflavone supplements of red clover dealt with bone density. The group consisted of 295 women from 49 years old to 65 years old. By the end of a 12-month period the group receiving the red clover supplements had a higher reduction in the bone density in their spines in the lumbar region.

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