Top 10 Reasons You Must Avoid Diet Sodas

Cold glass with cola and ice cubes

Photo credit: bigstock

Diet sodas sound like a good idea, don’t they? They can save you from ingesting tons of sugar, tastes good, seems to satisfy a sweet tooth, and saving you up to 200 calories or so on average, per glass! So what’s all the fuss about?

Unfortunately it seems that sometimes in life, the things we like the best are the ones that can harm us the most.  Sure the caffeine rush is good, and it can dull the appetite for a while, but there are other things that can give your body what it needs without endangering your health. There are many problems with diet sodas that no one is telling you about.

There are literally hundreds of studies showing that this little mix of chemicals is anything but good for you. Some dieticians have even called diet soda, “Liquid Satan.” Here we will list just the top ten reasons, although there are many others.


1. Linked to Asthma

All sodas, including diet sodas, have an ingredient called sodium benzoate, a preservative. Studies have linked this chemical to both asthma and painful, itchy rashes of the skin.


2. It has no nutritional value at all

Although you are not ingesting any calories when you drink a diet soda, but you aren’t getting anything out of it either. At least with water your body receives an essential liquid with minerals. ( and also has no calories)

If you love the fizziness of diet soda, replace it with sparkling water.


3. Diabetes

People who consume large quantities of diet soda increase their risk of Type 2 diabetes by 80 per cent. 80 per cent! That’s a huge number when you are talking about your health. Read of the bitter truth about diabetes.


4. Headaches

Studies done on the artificial sweeteners aspartame show that it can trigger headaches for most people, including migraine headaches. If you suffer from frequent headaches, stop drinking diet soda and see if the problem is solved.


5. Heart Disease

The artificial sweeteners in diet soda have been shown in studies to increase your risk of developing heart disease and/or diabetes. Heart disease is currently one of the leading causes of death in America. Find out top 10 death causes in the USA.

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