Top 10 Ways You Can Avoid Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Diet Woman Kicking Donut Snacks on White

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If you have ever known or cared for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, you know what a truly terrible disease this really is. People are robbed of their memory and their lives a piece at a time. They walk around confused and frequently lonely because they always seem to be looking for home, or their spouse, or their children, not knowing that those things are usually right in front of them.

Research has shown that there is a strong connection between a westernized diet and cognitive impairment or the development of dementia. We don’t mean just the everyday brain fart; we are talking about the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease.

Although researchers don’t know the exact cause or reason why people develop this disease, they do know that there is some kind of connection between certain types of foods, or lack of certain nutrients, and the development of this memory robbing disease.

Lower your risk of this terrible brain disorder by reading the top 10 ways you can help keep your grey matter safe.


1. Avoid Refined Fructose and Sugar

It has been shown in study after study that not only is sugar bad for your health, it feeds the inflammation in the brain. Ideally, you want to keep your total sugar and fructose intake to less than 25 grams each day. In one study that involved lab animals, a junk food diet high in sugar resulted in impaired memory after just 7 days! In this study, place recognition appeared to be particularly affected.


2. Avoid Gluten and Casein

Research shows that the blood brain barrier (which is like a wall that keeps things that might harm your brain outside your brain where they belong) is negatively affected by eating too much gluten. Gluten consumption can also make your gut more permeable, which, over time, can allow protein into your blood where it does not belong. This will then over sensitize your immune system, which will encourage inflammation. Inflammation of the brain is definitely one of the major causes of Alzheimer’s. Casein that is found in pasteurized dairy should also be avoided or limited, but don’t confuse this with healthy dairy fat such as butter.


3. Eat a Diet Rich in Foliates

Dark green vegetables are, by far, the best form of foliates and you should eat as many vegetables as you possibly can each and every day. Avoid foliate supplements such as folic acid, which is actually an inferior, synthetic type of foliate.

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One Comment

  1. Stephen Chaffer

    Aug 17, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    The Major cause to dementia is “Fluoride” by drinking distilled water ONLY … have a water filtration system so that you get all the “Fluoride” filtered out so that you can bathe, shower as the “Fluoride” enters through the skin, next to source food that is not water by tap water (use Organic food and Celiac Food), also NO (Toothpaste and mouthwash) TEA (high levels of “Fluoride”), COFFEE (unknown, but, does cause problems to the brain), I had a Alzheimer’s test, my score was 7, nine months on, my score increased to 22, while my wife took the test and scored 43 (just in the red zone), she was just in the red (she suffers from memory lose).
    “Fluoride” causes mental heath issues, “Definitely causes BIPOLAR and associated disorders”
    “Fluoride” also causes cancers of the liver (the say 10% in Fluoridation of the drinking water)