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Top 12 Herbs to Improve Your Memory Power

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Many people believe that memory loss is an inevitable part of aging, but this isn’t necessarily true. Whether we are referring to occasional forgetfulness or a loss of our short term memory, you should know that there are factors that can cause even younger persons to experience episodes of memory loss. Some of these causes are drug or alcohol abuse, lack of sleep, stress, depression, overwork, prescription medications, stroke, nutritional deficiency, or head injuries.
Do you ever feel like your brain simply cannot meet your daily demands? Do you feel that you sometimes forget things because your brain is simply overtaxed? Do you believe that your memory is weak? Is concentration and focusing on tasks difficult for you?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you could benefit from one or more of the herbs listed below. You can protect your brain from excessive demands of the modern world and even protect it from brain related diseases, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s, by consuming some of the herbs that are known to improve the function of the brain.
Medicinal herbs such as the ones listed below can help lower your stress levels and help you function at your best.
1. Ashwagandha
This little known herb is really superior when it comes to brain function. It lowers the effects of stress and brain overload. If you want to improve your mental clarity and cognitive function, this is the herb of choice. Ashwagandha works wonders for nervous exhaustion and protects the brain from cell deterioration.
2. Gingko Biloba
There is good reason why gingko biloba supplements are one of the most popular herbal supplements in both America and Europe. Gingko balboa’s ability to improve the memory is simply outstanding. Scientific studies confirm that gingko can improve both memory and the thought process in those with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s. It protects the nerve cells that have been damaged by these diseases, which improves learning, social behavior, and reduces feelings of depression. Lab tests also show that gingko also improves blood circulation along the entire central nervous system, which promotes overall brain function.
3. Periwinkle
Periwinkle is well-known for its antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-cancer and sedative effects, but it’s not as well-known for its ability to improve memory. The leaves and seeds of this plant contain a compound called vincamine, which is thought to be a precursor to vinpocetine, a blood thinner that improves the circulation of blood to the brain, which promotes better oxygen use. Vinpocetine is one of the most important ingredients found in most of the pharmaceutical drugs used for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Some researchers believe that periwinkle works in the same way that ginkgo biloba does to improve memory. Vinpocetine is a powerful killer of free radicals, which prevents any damage to the blood vessels and prevents dementia. It also encourages the brain to absorb more nutrients, which will significantly improve the brain’s function.
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4. Bacopa
If you are looking for what is probably the most powerful memory improving herb known today, then Bacopa should be top on your list. There have been numerous studies done on this herb and most results show that bacopa has a powerful ability to improve both mental health and mental clarity.
Bacopa has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times to improve concentration, learning abilities, and memory. One study conducted in Australia involved 46 subjects between the ages of 18 and 60. Divided into two groups, one group received a placebo; the other group was given 300mg of bacopa every day. After a period of 12 weeks, scientists discovered that the subjects who were given bacopa had vastly improved memory, speed of information processing, and verbal learning abilities.
5. Peppermint
This common and popular herb stimulates the mind and has been shown in studies to improve learning abilities, creativity, and improve energy levels.
6. Blueberries
Not really an herb, but so powerful that it must be mentioned here. Current scientific studies found that blueberries contain powerful compounds that improve verbal comprehension, decision making, rezoning ability, cognitive function, and memory. Studies also show that consuming blueberries and their flavonoids regularly can help slow the decline of cognitive ability and offer protection from diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
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7. Rosemary
Rosemary, that sweet smelling herb that is often used in cooking, has also been used in traditional medicines that improve the memory. Rosemary has been shown in lab studies to have powerful antioxidant compounds that kill the free radicals that cause cell damage. In one study, using rosemary in aromatherapy was shown to reduce cortisol levels and anxiety. Combined with other essential oils, rosemary was shown to improve concentration and memory among nursing students.
8. Ginseng
This is another popular herb which lab studies have shown to be is effective in helping those with memory problems. One study used mice, which were given a ginseng extract. These mice showed huge improvements when it came to maze tasks. Ginseng was shown to activate neurotransmitter activity that promotes memory improvement.
9. Rhodiola Rosea
Although you might not have heard of this herb, it has a long history of use for various types of health problems. Rhodiola has been recognized by researchers and scientists as one of the best herbs for improving memory. This herb is sometimes called roseroot, golden root, or Aaron’s rod. Traditionally, rhodiola has been used to relieve depression and improve memory, as well as focus. This herb contains powerful adaptogenic compounds which stimulate the central nervous system, improving concentration abilities and concentration levels.
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10. Gotu Kola
Sometimes called Indian Pennywort, gotu kola is absolutely amazing when it comes to improving brain function and memory. This herb is used in both traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for the rejuvenation of the mind and body. It’s considered by many to be an anti-aging herb. Studies show that this herb has certain compounds that increase the power of the brain and improves blood circulation to the brain itself, which results in improved concentration and better memory.
11. Sage
Sage is believed by scientists to contain compounds that boost chemicals in the brain that trigger faster transmission of messages in the brain. The Universities of Newcastle and Northumbira conducted a study that involved 44 persons. Half took sage supplements, the other half a placebo. Test results show that those who took sage supplements performed much better in word recall tests than those who took a placebo. Researchers suggest that this might mean sage could offer benefits for those who were affected by Alzheimer’s. Sage can boost the brain chemicals that drop off sharply with the onset of Alzheimer’s.
SEE ALSO: 7 Tricks to Improve Your Memory
12. Green Tea
Green tea has powerful antioxidant compounds, much like rosemary and green tea. Recent studies verify this benefit in a study conducted in March of 20.13. Green tea extracts were shown to help protect the proteins and lipids from age related damage caused by oxidation. In animal studies, those that were given green tea extracts showed much improved learning abilities. This suggests that green tea can protect the hippocampus of the brain from age-related decline.
Even if memory problems can be linked to a specific cause, it’s comforting to know that these issues can be reversed using some of Mother Nature’s natural herbs that appear to be designed just for this purpose. Besides being used traditionally for hundreds of years, and in some cases for thousands of years, these herbs can be trusted to be both effective and safe.