Top 4 Natural Ways to Avoid Cancer

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Photo credit: bigstock

2. Reduce or Manage Stress

It’s a well-known fact that stress subdues the immune system. When your immune system is continually compromised due to ongoing stress, it paves the way for cancer to take hold. You will find many doctors now start treating your stress and emotional health with the same concern as the cancer itself.

One psychiatrist at Stanford University showed that women who suffered from breast cancer but participated in weekly support groups lived twice as long as those who did not. This clearly shows just how important interpersonal relationships are to our overall health. If deeper relationships can help cancer survivors live twice as long then perhaps having meaningful relationships can help you prevent cancer altogether.

Also be sure you get plenty of sleep. Your body repairs itself and normalizes your hormones while you are sleeping. A lack of sleep screws with hormones, which can cause certain types of cancers, especially breast cancer. Don’t let stress interfere with your sleep. Read more about dangers of sleep deprivation.

It’s almost impossible to avoid all stress in life, but you can learn to manage your stress and remove yourself from extremely stressful situations. Try using exercise or fun ways (such as swimming or bike riding with your kids) to release stress from your body. Give yoga and/or meditation a try. Avoid toxic people who make you feel stressed and angry.

Any exercise program is better than no program at all. Even if it’s just walking the dog twice a day for 20 minutes at a time, it beats sitting on the sofa channel surfing!

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