Top 5 Shocking Things You Never Knew about Your Food

arsenic chicken

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Is Your Chicken Giving You a UTI?

You might have heard about research done in 2012 that found a link between urinary tract infections and factory produced chicken (see also some illegal procedures practiced in the USA). Worse still, this bacterium is the super antibiotic resistant type that is linked to a strain of E coli.  If you didn’t hear about it, that’s not surprising, this story was hidden between Lady GaGa’s new CD and a recipe for banana pudding.

When chickens are kept in extremely close quarters and given liberal doses of antibiotics, this is the perfect set up for disease to both grow and spread.

Not just spread, but to mutate as well as the bacteria finds ways around the antibiotics. Unfortunately, a bacterium doesn’t die simply because the chicken does.

It stays with that bird all the way to your kitchen counter, where you may have used the same cutting board to cut up both the chicken and the vegetables for you salad. This is how your Sunday chicken dinner may turn into a Monday morning UTI for you and your family.

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