Top 6 Ways You can Boost Your Immunity


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Your immune system works very hard for you every day, probably harder than you know. So it only makes sense for you to return the favor. It takes much more than just an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Here are 6 very simple ways to give you immune system a much needed, as well as an extremely effective, boost.


1. Meditation

Meditation may sound like some New Age fad but it’s been shown in many research studies to be very beneficial to both your brain as well as your immune system. Meditation takes practice, so start with 5 minutes per day and work yourself up to 20 minutes for a truly positive immune system kick.


2. Nature Walks

Taking relaxing walks in nature does wonders for one’s physical as well as mental health. Research shows that walking through the forest, park, or beach increases our white blood cell count and, at the same time, lowers blood pressure, and the stress hormone cortisol. Research conducted in Japan shows that walking in green areas, such as forests, might even fight cancer. Plants produce phytoncides, a chemical that helps protect them from rotting and insects. When people are close to green plants we breathe in these chemicals, which actually causes our bodies to increase the level of “killer” immune cells that are a natural immune system response to cancer.


3. Eliminate Refined Sugars

Many research studies have shown that within 30 minutes after eating sugar, the body’s immune system function drops as much as 50 per cent. That’s shocking news. Eating too much sugar is linked to many diseases such as colitis, obesity, heart disease, and other addictive behaviors, such as alcoholism. Sugar comes in many forms so read labels and avoid sugars as much as possible in your diet to improve your immune system. Find out products that hide sugar.

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happy people

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4. Look on the Bright Side

Persons who tend to look at life as the “glass is half empty” tend to have weaker immune systems than optimists (read more how we are ruining the immune system). Generally speaking, looking at the bright side or having a positive frame of mind encourages a positive immune system function. Some scientists believe that holding onto anger, criticism, guilt, and resentment cause numerous diseases within the body. Overall, pessimists have much poorer health in the long run than optimists. So it’s in your own best interest to begin to look on the bright side of life, learn to relax, remove yourself from negative thoughts and negative people and find ways to deal with persistent negative emotions that don’t seem to resolve themselves over time.


5. Laugh More

Continuing along the positive outlook theme, research has shown time and time again that those who laugh last laugh best. Laughter also encourages the immune system to perform better as well as lowering inflammation levels within the body. So watch funny movies, videos online, get closer to those folks who make you laugh. Never miss out on an opportunity to LOL.


6. Supportive People

Healthy, supportive social relationships have been shown in studies to improve your health as well as give you immune system a healthy boost whereas isolation and feelings of loneliness suppress your immune function. Even a hug from a good friend or family member can improve your immunity. (And they feel so good!) So spend more time with good friends, family, and other types of support groups that make you feel good.

