Top Foods for Colon Cleansing and the Prevention of Colon Cancer

Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden background

Photo credit: bigstock

11. Green Tea

If you want to detox your liver while cleaning out your colon, then you should drink green tea.


12. Chlorophyll-Filled Greens

Eating green vegetables and fruits encourage healthy digestion as well as a daily source of colon cleansing. Foods that do this best include Swiss chard, sea vegetables, peas, leeks, spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, cabbage, and green olives. All of these are high in chlorophyll, which detoxifies your liver and cleanses the digestive tract.


13. Fruit Juices

Although you don’t want to overdo it drinking fruit juice all day long, a glass of pure, organic fruit juice each day is an easy way to help cleanse the colon as they are high in enzymes, naturally cleansing salts, and fiber. Read also about juicing, how to do it right.


14. Water with Sea Salt

Keeping your colon well hydrated will go a long way towards keeping it healthy. Dehydration will lead to a toxic buildup due to constipation. Be sure you drink plenty of pure, fluoride free water each day. Adding just a pinch of sea salt to some of your water will also go a long way towards further detoxification of the body.


15. Probiotics

Eating probiotic rich foods, such as yogurt, will help keep the bacteria levels inside your colon at healthy levels.

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