Top Tips for Living a Cancer Free Life

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9. Clean Up Your Beauty Routine

Most people try to avoid toxins in our air, food, and water, but not many people give thought to the toxins they deliberately put on their bodies every single day. Many cancer causing toxins are absorbed through our body’s largest organ: our skin. Whatever you place on your skin is absorbed directly into your bloodstream within 15 minutes. This means many cosmetic and beauty products such as creams, lotions, soaps, shampoo, nail polish, baby oil, and petroleum jelly contain cancer causing ingredients such as phthalates, parabens, and other chemicals that have been linked to higher rates of cancer. You can make many of your own beauty products with natural ingredients. The internet has hundreds if not thousands of recipes that will help you avoid these cancer causing compounds as much as possible.


10. Stay Active

Getting some regular exercise has been shown to protect you from several different types of cancer. You don’t have to be a marathon runner, just getting some regular exercise, whatever works well for you, is enough. Swimming, dancing, walking, even gardening or heavy housework can be a great source of exercise. Do something you love that gets you moving because when you love what you are doing, you will keep doing it.


SEE ALSO: Top 12 Natural Cancer Prevention Strategies


11. Get Your Z’s

Don’t think of sleeping as being lazy or wasting time. Your body needs sleep so that it can repair and regenerate itself. Your body is hard at work while you are sleeping, flushing toxins, repairing and making new cells, and giving your brain a soft reset. Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and help your body fight off cancer.


12. Manage Your Stress

In today’s world, it is virtually impossible to eliminate all stress, but you can learn to manage it better. All that we are is the result of what we think and what we believe. If we believe that worst will always happen, if you believe in Murphy’s Law, if you believe that you are going to die from cancer and you can’t stop it, you might just find that these things are self-fulfilling prophecies. The more we give in to fear, stress, and anxiety, the more we deplete our body’s reserves of vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients vital to our survival. People with negative outlooks on life and those with chronic, ongoing stress levels tend to have higher rates of cancer.

Remove or limit contact with negative, irritating people. Don’t bother getting into those heated arguments in chat rooms or on Facebook. You won’t change anyone’s opinion and all it does it add to your stress levels. Work out your angry feelings with therapy or vigorous exercise. Practice yoga and/or meditation. Empower yourself by taking charge of your life, rather than feeling like life is something that is just happening to you.

Take control of your health and encourage your family members to do the same. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, friends. Live your best life!


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  1. Olivia Stone

    Nov 29, 2016 at 11:16 am

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest, having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring it, but risk is only a possibility right? Thank you for shedding some light on things that could prevent cancer cells from forming. I will follow this by heart as I am also in risk

  2. Olivia Stone

    Aug 28, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    Thank you for this post, as I have read in Consumer Health Digest,
    having family history of cancer can give someone in risk of acquiring
    it, but risk is only a possibility right? I cant really move on since the death of my aunt to cancer, Thanks for this great tip on how to be cancer free