Top Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Castor Oil: Surprising Uses And Tips Video

5. Castor oil

You might be thinking, “There are a lot of oils in this list,” well that’s because they contain so many benefits for the skin, and castor oil is no different! This oil when used in its purest possible form contains high amounts of ricinoleic acid, which is a fatty acid perfect for remedying stretch marks and other skin conditions. It works best when massaged onto the skin in circular movements on a daily basis to ensure proper absorption. Adding a sweet-smelling carrier oil such as almond oil will not only boost the moisturizing properties of the treatment but also make the oil slightly easier to apply given its rather thick natural state.


6. Eating a healthy, balanced diet

This one may seem obvious but eating a healthy, balanced diet is probably the top way to prevent stretch marks from even occurring the first place. A diet rich in vitamins A, E, and C as well as zinc and silica, will nourish the skin and boost collagen production which, in turn, promotes elasticity. Almonds, avocados, and spinach are just a few sources rich in vitamin E which is particularly important and, beyond that, there are many fantastic natural supplements available to give you that helping hand.


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In short, the common theme with all of these treatments is promoting the production of collagen and/or elastin in the skin as well as deeply moisturizing it. This is the only true method to ever really diminish the appearance of stretch marks, but as you’ve seen, there are many options which are totally natural, cheap and easy to obtain.


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