What Does Walking Say About Heart Disease Incidence?

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Doing regular exercise is a simple way of preventing heart diseases. In addition to walking, there are also other ways to combat heart disease, such as eating the right foods, refraining from smoking and drinking too much, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. Some of the foods that you should avoid eating are red meat, bakery products, deep fried food, full-fat dairy products, and junk food like chips. On the other hand, eat salmon, tune, avocado, nuts, and other healthy fats in order to strengthen your heart.

Since there are a lot of risk factors involved in developing heart disease, there are also a lot of things that one can do in order to prevent it. The study by the researchers in the United Kingdom is a good model to follow in order to monitor one’s risk of getting heart disease. Simply walk two to three times a week, and track the pace of your walking. It is actually good to change the pace of the walk in every session so as not to let the body adjust to the degree of exercise.

Next, monitor the body mass index, cholesterol level, and blood pressure in order to check that walking indeed helps in maintain a healthy body far from getting a heart disease. According to other research, brisk walking for about 30 minutes a day, three to four days a week, is the best exercise when one wants to battle against heart disease.


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Heart diseases can be deadly and sudden; therefore, one should be vigilant in making sure that the risk of getting those diseases is always at an all-time low.





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One Comment

  1. Kindrick Weatherbee

    Dec 10, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    as I have read in the Consumer Health Digest, being able to exercise everyday can take a person a long way when it comes to heart health. Thanks for this great reminder!