What You Are NOT Being Told About Autism

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

One of the things everyone needs to take a hard look at is pesticides. Billions of tons of these toxins are sprayed into the air, on our food, and on the ground, and then they leech into the ground and ground water. In the US, more than a billion pounds of pesticides are used each and every year. An estimated 5.6 billion pounds are used globally. These pesticides are a very complex mixture of ingredients, which often include compounds that increase the efficiency of the active ingredient.

The University of California at Davis conducted a study that was published in Environmental Health Perspectives journal in 2015. The findings say that pregnant women who lived close to the farms where pesticides were used had a 2/3rds higher risk of giving a birth to a baby with autism.

This study is added to a growing list of research that had earlier reported links between autism and exposure to agricultural chemicals. Of course, some people argue that such links do not necessarily mean causation, but there is simply too much material that correlates the evidence we have on hand.

In case you weren’t aware of it, almost all pesticides are neurotoxins that affect the insect’s brain and nervous system. It only makes sense that when humans come into contact with these neurotoxins, they can affect not only the adult, but the developing fetus as well.

Researchers in Canada have also identified the presence of pesticides related to GMO crops in fetal, maternal, and non-pregnant women’s blood. These researchers also found Monsanto’s Bt toxin. Monsanto’s Bt toxin appears to cross the placenta of the mother and enter the fetus, because it is clearly detectable in unborn babies.


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Who thinks that growing our food with poison sprayed on it is a good idea? We have linked these pesticides and other toxic chemicals to Alzheimer’s, cancer, and numerous other chronic and deadly diseases, so is it such a stretch of the imagination that our toxic environment could be one of the root causes behind the rising number of cases of autism?




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One Comment

  1. CRLH

    Feb 27, 2018 at 10:38 am

    I also listened to a webinar where the doctor spoke about allowing any child under 10 to be playing, using or exposed to cellphones, tablets and overtime on watching TV has led to a different type of autism – electronics are not healthy even for adults. Nevertheless, if TV reduced to just 1 hr. a day and no other electronics allowed in their little hands that within 6 mos. this type of autism disappears and they are back to normal. Many people are sick from electronic (electrospam) exposure and don’t know why they are sick or feel punk. We are electric and allowing more outside electricity to enter the system = sickness and not using a stylus or pods or Blue Tooth also leads to further damage to the body, and allowing a cellphone to be in or near your brain, breasts or genitalia is causing a lot of sicknesses for both genders. Apparently also seen is cancer of the index and thumb from constant texting. Addiction to these electronics also causing the brain to not work as well as they may think.