Why You Should Change Your Salt and Do it Today!

Salt spilling on table from salt cellar

Photo credit: bigstock

Table salt, besides being contaminated with chemicals, has also been processed and stripped of almost all minerals. It’s cleaned with chemicals, bleached, and then heated at extremely high temperatures. This is one reason iodine is added back into table salt. Oh, that iodine is synthetic, also, which is very difficult for your body process. Have you noticed how difficult it is to dissolve salt in water? This is because table salt is treated with anti-caking compounds so it won’t stick together. This also means that the salt doesn’t “stick” well in our bodies, either. In fact, studies show that for each gram of table salt you consume that your body cannot process, you will use need to neutralize the sodium chloride with as much as 20 times the amount of cellular water.

This is why salt has gotten such a bad rap. It’s not the salt; it’s the way it’s refined that is bad for us. Refined table salt is inferior and bad for our health. Not only that, but the amount of salt in processed foods make our salt intake even higher. So it’s not about limiting our salt intake, but consuming more natural forms of salt and more whole, natural foods.

Natural rock salt comes close to being intact, and it does have more nutritional value than plain table salt, but it lacks the pressure that puts the elements in salt into a colloidal form- the form that your body can easily absorb.

Besides food purposes, you should think about taking regular Himalayan salt baths. The healthy minerals in Himalayan salt are formed in the means of ions. Ions will rejuvenate your skin as well as your mind. Also, if you haven’t yet tried a Himalayan salt lamp, you are in for a real treat. Read our article about the benefits of using Himalayan crystal salt lamps for more information.

You should be able to find Himalayan salt in your local grocery store, but if you can’t, it’s readily available at health food stores and online.







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