How To Restore Your Body’s Alkaline Balance

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Most people are aware that the things they choose to eat can affect their health. Protein is good for building strength, carbs providing energy, and you definitely want to stay away from transfats. But not many people are aware of how food choices can affect more subtle aspects of our health like the alkalinity. Paying attention to the balance between acidic and alkaline foods can make the difference between health and serious illness.

Most people learn about the ph balance in high school chemistry class. In the context of health, it represents the ratio between acidity and alkalinity in the body. The scale ranges from 0 to 14. A ph level of 7 is considered “neutral”, with the lower end of the spectrum representing higher acidity, and a ph level closer to 14 having higher alkaline properties. A healthy ph level for the human body is around 7.35, so a little bit closer to the alkaline end of the spectrum.

The problem is very few people have healthy ph levels in their body. The modern Western diet is highly acidic. Combine this with a stressful lifestyle which is all too common in the modern world and you have a majority of people with acidity levels far too high. Acidic waste accumulates in the body and has been linked to a plethora of health problems including cancer, fatigue, obesity, digestive problems, and more. Luckily, it is relatively simple to fix the problem of too much acidity. A few simple diet and lifestyle changes can go a long way toward raising the body’s alkalinity and improving overall health.


1. Diet Changes

The first step toward fixing your alkaline levels is to change your eating. The fact is certain foods are going to bring you closer to your goal, and some are going to take you further away. Knowing which foods that you should reduce your intake of is half the battle. Foods like sugar, alcohol, meat, processed foods, and chemical compounds like caffeine contribute to higher acid levels. You don’t have to eliminate these completely (although axing the processed foods completely might not be a bad idea), but be conscious of how much of these foods you are eating vs the alkaline-rich foods listed below.

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Foods that increase the alkalinity of the body include:

1. Green vegetables. This includes lettuce, cabbage, kale, spinach, and any other leafy green vegetable. Broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, celery, and peas are also good choices. Any vegetable that is rich in chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants which converts sunlight into food) should fit the bill.

2. Non-green vegetables are also a good option. Radishes, tomatoes, onions, olives, sweet potatoes, yams, beets and squash should be on your list.

3. Selected fruits & seeds. Think grapefruit, mangoes, lemons and limes, coconut, cherries, apples and pineapples, as well as pumpkin and flax seeds.

4. Selected grains & legumes. One grain that is very effective at restoring alkalinity to the body is buckwheat. It’s not exceptionally common in the typical Western diet but it is definitely worth substituting for wheat when available. Other good choices include millet, quinoa, barley, wild rice, and sprouts

5. Olive oil, coconut oil and flax seed oil have also demonstrated effectiveness at reducing acidity.

It’s important to keep in mind that just adding in a salad or two each week isn’t enough. Occasionally eating clean isn’t going to fix the problem if you’re cancelling it out by eating more of the acidic foods. Generally speaking, a ratio of 80% alkaline foods to 20% acidic foods will ensure a healthy PH-balance.

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2. Alkaline Tonics

Another method for restoring alkalinity is through the use of tonics made by blending certain juices or vinegars with water to prepare a tonic. Lemon water is a great choice for this purpose. While it may seem contradictory since they do contain citric acid, lemons (along with other citrus fruits), are actually alkaline forming. Lemon water also has many other health benefits like fighting inflammation, clearing the skin, and providing ample vitamin C.

Another option is drinking raw apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has been used as a “cure all” folk remedy since the days of ancient Greece, but there is sound science behind the health claims of this incredible elixir. Drinking 1 tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar with a glass of water each morning is an excellent way to naturally restore your body’s ph levels to healthy levels.


READ ALSO: 12 Frequently Asked Questions About Alkaline Foods


Remember, maintaining a proper alkalinity in the body is the result of healthy choices made continually over time. Simply put, it’s a lifestyle, not something you do once. Make the necessary changes to your diet and reduce your stress, and you’ll unlock one of the major secrets to optimal health.

