You’ve Heard of Colloidal Silver, but Colloidal Gold?

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If you are even a semi-regular reader of NaturalOn, then you have heard of the wonderful healing properties of colloidal silver and the scientific research that backs up its anti-bacterial as well as its anti-viral compounds. However, the little known and even less understood is colloidal gold. Like silver, colloidal gold is a colloid that is made from minute particles of gold mixed with water. It’s not anything like silver, however, as far as its health benefits are concerned.

Gold and the human race have a long history together. Gold has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for more than 5,000 years, Cleopatra knew about its uses for health and beauty, and the Egyptian Pharaohs were prescribed to take gold. The Alchemists of Europe and medieval England used it in their search for the Elixir of Immortality.

Gold has had its share of legendary powers as well; whether someone was looking for the Holy Grail, the Golden Fleece, or the goose that laid the golden egg, humans have had a mysterious attraction to gold for eons.

Keep reading to find out what colloidal gold can do for you.


1. Improved Brain Function

One study showed that persons who consumed 30mg of colloidal gold each day over the 4 week period of the study had improvements in their IQ. The study also showed that when subjects stopped taking colloidal gold, their IQ returned to the same levels as it was before the study within 90 days. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Frontier Sciences. If you plan to use colloidal gold for improved brain function and you don’t want to be reminded of “Flowers for Algernon,” and then consider this a long term therapy.


2. Rejuvenating Abilities

Probably one of gold’s most talked about health benefit is its incredibly positive impact on the body’s glands. It has regulating effects on our bodies’ warming abilities, which means an end to chills, hot flashes, and perpetually cold feet. It stimulates our nervous system, which actually cause a decrease in pressure. Gold can also invigorate your sex organs, not only acting as an aphrodisiac, but alleviating issues with impotency. It’s no surprise that consuming colloidal gold has been linked to a longer, healthier life.


3. Arthritis and Joint Pain

Gold has been used for centuries to relieve the pain and swelling of arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, and tendonitis.

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4. Super Relaxing

Gold is also well known for having a super relaxing ability that most people describe as far better than any form of alcohol or drugs. Many people who suffer from insomnia swear by it. Since it has positive effects on our nervous system, it brings about a feeling of well-being and happiness that works better than prescription anti-depressants (read why anti-depressants can be dangerous). Colloidal gold will cause a complete relaxation and calming of your entire neural system.


5. Anti-inflammatory

One study published in the 1997 edition of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, found that patients who were given colloidal gold for treatment of their pain from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis , tendon, and muscle injuries, had far fewer incidents of pain than those who received only a placebo.


6. Improved Moods

Gold has a type of harmonizing effects on our bodies and it can help those who suffer from anxiety attacks, frustration, melancholy, or imbalanced emotional states. If you have tried St. John’s Wort and found it did not improve your mood, try taking between 15 to 30mg of colloidal gold each day for a period of at least 30 days and see if this therapy works for you.


SEE ALSO: Mother Nature’s Amazing Antibiotics: No Prescription Needed


7. Regulate the Heart

Gold will naturally control the natural rhythm of your heart, relaxing it, and this could even lead to lower blood pressure.

Some people choose to consume both colloidal gold and silver daily. Colloidal silver offers antibacterial and anti-viral properties that can fight existing conditions, and prevent future infections, and gold helps to improve mental capabilities, relax, and invigorate the body. This is completely acceptable as they are both non-toxic and they will not conflict with each other. If you take silver, avoid using a metal spoon as the metal in the spoon will change the positive ions in the silver to lose their charge, making it next to worthless.

