12 Best Herbs that Support Kidney Health

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

10. Dandelion

When this “weed” is made into a tea, it can be a powerful assistant to the kidneys and the liver as well. Due to its diuretic compounds, dandelion is a great way to detox the kidneys. This herb is an excellent source of nutrients such as iron, zinc, and potassium, B complex vitamins and much, much more. Dandelion roots contain active compounds that will help dissolve painful kidney stones.


11. Celery Root

You can use both the roots and the seeds of good old fashioned celery as a natural diuretic, which help the body, remove toxins through increased urine output. Celery root has long been considered to be a stimulating tonic as it has many vital nutrients that support kidney health such as sodium and potassium.


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12. Gravel Root

Sometimes called Joe Pye Weed, this herb has a long history of use by Native American tribes and the early pioneers for its ability to promote kidney health. Gravel root contains a powerful compound called euparin, a type of solvent which can kill harmful organisms and bacteria in the body, which makes it perfect for stopping urinary tract and kidney infections.

It’s important to note that although many herbs are considered to be completely safe, they can have dangerous interactions when mixed with prescription drugs. Also, expecting mothers should always take precautions before consuming any herbs. Always consult with your doctor before starting any herbal program.



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  1. Gabe

    May 21, 2015 at 12:28 pm

    I’m sure, Ariel could write a comprehensive article on kidney health.

  2. Stephen Crouse

    Feb 13, 2017 at 8:52 pm

    Thanks for the information!