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12 Health Benefits of Ginger (# 7 Seems Crazy, but It’s True!)

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Who doesn’t love the taste of ginger? Ginger ale, ginger snaps, ginger tea… it all tastes so good, but did you know that ginger is also a treasure trove of healthy nutrients and bioactive compounds that have positive benefits for your brain and body? It’s true!
Ginger comes to us from China and is very closely related to various other healthy herbs including cardamom and turmeric. We typically use the root of the plant which is why you will sometimes hear this referred to as ginger root.
Ginger has a long history of use as both a medicine and a food flavor enhancer, but there are many health benefits when it comes to consuming ginger that most people are completely unaware of.
Check out our list of the top 12 health benefits of ginger and find out why you should be getting more of this fantastic root!
1. Ginger Fights Infections
The bioactive substance in fresh ginger root is called gingerol, and studies have shown that it can help to lower the risk of infections and even inhibit the growth of various types of bacteria. When used as a mouth rinse, ginger has been shown to be super effective at fighting the oral bacteria that causes inflammatory disease of the gums including periodontitis or gingivitis.
2. Potent Medicinal Compounds
Ginger can be used dried, powdered, fresh, in an oil form, or as a juice, and is commonly used in not only food dishes, but in cosmetics as well. Gingerol is the active compound in this root and it’s this compound that is thought to be responsible for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.
3. Improves Brain Function and Protecting from Alzheimer’s disease
When there is chronic inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, this leads to an accelerated aging process. These two conditions are thought to be two main driving forces behind the development of dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease being the most common type. Studies done with lab animals show that the powerful antioxidants and bioactive compounds in ginger root can help to slow down inflammation in the brain.
There have also been some studies that show that ginger can improve the function of the brain. One study used 60 middle aged women who were given ginger extracts. These women were shown to have improved working memory and improved reaction time compared to the placebo group. There have also been several animal studies which showed that ginger can offer protection from age-related decline in the function of the brain.
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4. Mother Nature’s Cure for Nausea and Vomiting
Ginger has a long history of use as a remedy for motion sickness, sea sickness, and other types of nausea or vomiting. Ginger has been shown in studies to be super effective in helping cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy deal with their nausea and vomiting. Ginger is also very effective when it comes to pregnancy related nausea. Also, ginger is completely safe, with no side effects, something that cannot be said for most drugs. In a review of 12 studies that included a total of 1,278 pregnant women, consuming 1.5 grams of ginger daily was found to greatly reduce nausea and vomiting.
Please note that although ginger is considered to be perfectly safe, if you are pregnant, please talk to your doctor before consuming this herb to be certain that it is right for you.
5. Lowers Cholesterol
Having high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol has been linked in numerous studies to an increased risk of heart disease. One study that involved 85 persons with high cholesterol over a 45 day period showed that the consumption of 3 grams of powdered ginger significantly lowered all markers of cholesterol levels. Studies done involving hypothyroid rats showed that ginger extract lowered LDL cholesterol just as well as the prescription drug atorvastatin.
6. Cold and Flu Prevention
Ginger root has been used for thousands of years as a means of treating and preventing colds and flu infection all over Asia. Even American scientists at the University of Maryland Medical Center states that you can shorten the duration of colds and flus by drinking a fresh ginger root tea two or three times each day. Many home remedies call for drinking a cup of fresh ginger tea every morning and evening during the flu season with the belief that it can prevent you from catching one of these annoying winter bugs, however, there are currently no studies showing if this folk prevention method is effective.
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7. Cancer Prevention
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. It is a serious problem all over the world, including in the US and other western countries. Ginger extract has been shown in several studies to be an alternative treatment for several different types of cancer. The active cancer fighting compound, 6-gingerol, is found in large amounts of raw ginger root.
One study involving 30 people showed that 2 grams of ginger extract each day significantly reduced their inflammatory signaling molecules in the colon. Other studies show that ginger can be effective against ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer. Although more studies need to be done in this area, ginger shows tremendous promise in becoming a super cancer preventative.
8. Ginger Reduces Sore Muscles and Muscle Pain
One study showed that the consumption of 2 grams of ginger per day, over the 11 day study period, significantly reduces muscle pain in subjects that were told to perform strenuous elbow exercises. Although ginger does not have an immediate impact, regular consumption of ginger can be effective at reducing the day to day ebb and flow of muscle pain. It’s believed that these effects occur due to the anti-inflammatory properties.
9. Lowers Blood Sugar
It appears that ginger also has powerful anti-diabetic compounds. One study, done in early 2015, involved 41 subjects with type 2 diabetes. Results showed that the consumption of 2 grams of powdered ginger each day decreased fasting blood sugar levels by 12 percent. Ginger was also shown to improve dramatically the markers for the long-term blood sugar levels. Levels of HbA1c were lowered by 10 percent over the 12 week study period.
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10. Stops Chronic Indigestion
Dyspepsia, which is chronic indigestion, is thought to occur due to a delayed emptying of the stomach. Ginger has been shown to speed up the amount of time that the stomach empties, cutting that time in half from 12 minutes to 6 minutes! One study involving 24 people showed that when these people were given 1.2 grams of powdered ginger before each meal, it increased the emptying of the stomach by 50 percent.
11. Reduces Menstrual Pain
Dysmenorrhea, known more commonly as cramps, during a woman’s menstrual cycle have been found in studies to be greatly reduced by the consumption of ginger. One study instructed 150 women to consume 1 gram of powdered ginger each day for the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle. All subjects stated that ginger appeared to reduce their pain just as effectively as ibuprofen or the prescription drug mefenamic acid.
SEE ALSO: MYO Natural Ginger-Based Pain Killing Press
12. Helps with Osteoarthritis Pain
Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the joints in the body that leads to symptoms such as intense joint pain and stiffness. One study found that consuming a combination of cinnamon, ginger, mastic, and sesame oil reduced pain and stiffness of the joints when applied topically. Another controlled study of more than 240 subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee consumed ginger extract and found that they had less pain and needed less prescription pain medication.
With all these benefits, and with ginger so readily available, is there any reason why you aren’t consuming more ginger?