12 Natural Remedies to Beat Urinary Incontinence (# 6 is fantastic!)

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture can help reduce incontinence by strengthening the urinary system as well as correcting the imbalance of the kidneys, according to Chinese medicine. Using acupuncture can help you reduce urinary urgency and increase your ability to hold your urine. Studies have shown that this ancient means of therapy is beneficial for most people for the treatment of urinary incontinence. Be sure to get treatment from a qualified acupuncturist.


5. Magnesium

If at night you experience leg cramps, which is a sign of magnesium deficiency, this might be the answer for you. Magnesium is vital for the relaxation of muscles, which means that being certain that you have sufficient levels of magnesium in your body can lessen bladder muscle spasms and help the bladder to get empty completely.

In 1998 a study was published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The article revealed the founding that women who had urge incontinence had fewer episodes of incontinence after taking regular supplements of magnesium. Start by taking 350 mg of magnesium hydroxide supplements two times per day. Alternately, run the bath, add some Epson salt to it, and get a 15 to 20 minutes soak in it at a time three to four times each week.


6. Meditation

You might not think that this method would work, but according to a 2009 study from Loyola Health System, scientists there found that cognitive therapy involving guided imagery exercises and deep breathing techniques helped to retrain the brain to control the bladder and reduces the number of urge incontinence episodes from 38 each week to 12.

Try meditation, relaxation, and visualization exercises for a few weeks and see if you notice an improvement in your symptoms. Nothing feels as good as using your own brain to fix your body!

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