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12 Natural Ways To Beat Bronchitis And Breathe Easy!

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Now that cold and flu season is upon us, everyone is trying their best to keep their immune system strong. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we come down with the flu. For some people, the flu will turn into bronchitis.
Bronchitis is an inflammation, infection or swelling of the bronchial tubes. This usually happens as a result of a nasty case of the flu where the virus irritates the bronchial tubes. Sometimes it is due to a bacterial infection of the bronchial tubes.
The most common symptoms of bronchitis are chest pain when coughing, congestion, fatigue, green or yellow mucus, muscles aches, and fever.
Many people rely on over-the-counter medications to help with their bronchitis symptoms, but you can always rely on Mother Nature to help your body heal itself naturally.
Keep reading, and discover the top 12 ways you can beat bronchitis and start to breathe easier again.
1. Thyme
Numerous research studies have found that thyme is a very effective herbal remedy when it comes to fighting bronchitis. In fact, in one German study, both mucus production and coughing was reduced by as much as 60 percent when subjects consumed a tea of primrose and thyme. Make your own thyme tea by adding two teaspoons of fresh or dried thyme leaves to boiling water. Add a bit of honey, and drink two cups each day.
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2. Ginger
Ginger is often used for treating nausea and vomiting, but did you know that it can also help relieve the symptoms of bronchitis? Ginger has natural immune-boosting compounds as well as powerful anti-inflammatory agents that can relieve swollen, inflamed and irritated bronchial airways. Drink ginger tea with a bit of honey and cinnamon two or three times each day to get relief from the symptoms of bronchitis.
3. Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics known to man. The best thing about olive leaf extract is that, unlike prescription antibiotics, olive leaf blocks and prevents viruses from duplicating. This means that the earlier you start taking olive leaf extract, the faster you will recover because the virus cannot continue to grow. Olive leaf extract improves the immune system, fights fatigue, and heals inflammation.
4. Garlic
Most people know that garlic is terrific for the heart, but few know that garlic is a very powerful antibiotic. Garlic is a natural anti-inflammatory that also has anti-viral compounds that can really help to fight bronchitis, even acute bronchitis. Garlic must be chopped or crushed to release its active compounds. Crush two whole cloves of garlic, and swallow them whole if you can. You can also try consuming some chicken soup with lots of garlic in it.
5. Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is second only to olive leaf extract when it comes to antibiotic power. It has super powerful antioxidants that make it one of the best ways to fight bronchitis or to prevent the flu from turning into bronchitis. Oregano oil has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory compounds. Add five to 10 drops of oregano oil to a glass of water (use a straw if it burns your lips), or consume a supplement with 250 to 300 milligrams twice each day.
6. Turmeric
Turmeric is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories on earth, which makes it great for treating the inflamed airways that come with bronchitis. Turmeric needs fat to be processed by the body, so add a tablespoon of turmeric to a glass of milk and drink once or twice each day. You can also take a supplement. Most people find that two grams each day works, but consult your doctor if you are taking any other type of prescription medications. You should not take turmeric if you have gallstones, ulcers, or obstructive jaundice.
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7. Sesame Seeds
Yep, those same little seeds you see on hamburger buns. (But, of course, you don’t want to use those!) Those same seeds actually have powerful medicinal compounds that relieve chest pain and help to treat bronchitis. Mix one teaspoon of sesame seeds, one teaspoon of flax seed oil, and one teaspoon of honey. Consume each night before bedtime.
8. Eucalyptus Oil
For clearing out the nasal and chest congestion that causes painful coughing, nothing works better than eucalyptus oil and steam. Eucalyptus will soften and remove the mucus from the airways while providing an antibacterial punch that cannot be beat. Simply put six to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel, and inhale with steam for five or so minutes or until you get relief. Be careful not to burn your face with the hot steam. Repeat twice each day.
9. Epsom Salt Soak
Soaking in a bath filled with Epsom salt can offer tremendous relief from bronchitis symptoms. Add about four cups of Epsom salt to a bath of very warm water. Dissolve the salt, and then soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat every other day for best results.
10. Salt Water
Gargling with salt water can also offer relief from the dry, painful throat caused by the excessive amount of coughing that comes with bronchitis. Add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle. Don’t add too much salt, or it will burn your throat. One teaspoon is enough to give your relief but not so much that it does more harm than good. Gargle as often as you like to relieve pain and cut the mucus in the throat.
READ ALSO: 13 Antibiotics You Should Always Have On Hand (No Prescription Required!)
11. Honey
This is another terrific anti-viral and antibacterial food that is soothing to the throat and helps ease coughing. Honey will also improve the immune system. Add one tablespoon of honey to some herbal tea, and drink three or more times each day.
12. Onion
Although this is quite strong, it really works! Onions are a powerful expectorant and nasal decongestant that can offer some serious relief from bronchitis symptoms. Bite into an organic onion (if you can stand it) and swallow it, or swallow one teaspoon of raw onion juice each morning.
If your symptoms do not improve within seven days, or if you experience difficulty breathing, see a doctor as soon as possible.