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12 Of The Top Ingredients In Food Today That Cause Dementia And Alzheimer’s

Photo credit: bigstock.com
8. Tofu
Although tofu is considered by many to be a health food and a great alternative to meat, not all soy products are created equal. The journal of Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders published a study finding that those who consume high amounts of tofu had worse memories. Those who consumed Tempe, however, even in high amounts, had better memory function. If you enjoy the taste of tofu, try switching to Tempe, which is a less processed type of soy product.
9. Fluoride
Many municipalities in America add fluoride to the tap water. This is supposed to be an effort to fight tooth decay. Unfortunately, cities are not adding natural fluoride to the water but hydrofluoriscilic acid, which is a chemical waste product from fertilizers, usually coming to us straight from China. Not only has this added chemical not improved dental health, it has been linked to dementia, among other health problems.
10. Diacetyl
You might think you don’t know what diacetyl is, but you do. It’s the artificial butter flavor used on theater popcorn and microwave popcorn. It is also found in beer, many baked goods, and snack foods, such as butter flavored pretzels. Although many companies have stopped using this product because it has made their workers sick, it is still being used. Diacetyl is also linked to the buildup of amyloid plaque in the brain. Some studies show that diacetyl disrupts the production of a protein that prevents these plaques from sticking together in the brain. Use natural butter when you want real butter flavor, and avoid diacetyl.
11. MSG
MSG is a preservative and a flavor enhancer that is used in almost every processed food found in our supermarkets today. Very similar to diacetyl, this chemical also increases the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. MSG is called an excitotoxin, which means it causes our brain cells to fire uncontrollably. This not only worsens pre-existing problems, such as Parkinson’s, but it also leads to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
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12. Mercury
Mercury is quite prevalent in our modern day world. You will find it in our fish, food, rice, high fructose corn syrup, and vaccines. Like all other heavy metals and toxins, mercury produces symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease did a review of more than 100 studies involving exposure to mercury. Although they could not find a direct link, they did find that mercury affects the brain and can lead to Alzheimer’s.
Eating a more natural, whole food diet and avoiding as many of the chemicals in this list as possible will give you the best chance for avoiding Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Marge Mullen
Oct 24, 2016 at 10:44 am
Another source of aluminum is directly attributed to ChemTrails. Chemtrails i.e. geo-engineering include several toxic ingredients including aluminum.
One only needs to look up on any given day and see the planes spraying the toxic chemicals. These planes are unmarked and are based out of Nevada. The supposed purpose of this is to keep the earth from heating up.
I had a hair mineral analysis done on my horses and myself. Our aluminum was off the charts
Oct 24, 2016 at 11:21 am
Aluminum is also in vaccines. The reason the forest fires burn so hot is the chemtrails deposit aluminum on the trees, and everywhere.
Marge Mullen
Oct 30, 2016 at 3:23 pm
Mercury is also in vaccines. I do not do vaccines for myself or my animals and no prescription drugs.
All of our trees here in my area of (Rhode Island) are dead or dying. To see the demise of all these beautiful trees breaks my heart.
Something else to think about each tree gives off enough oxygen for 4 people. They are worth saving!!