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14 Most Shocking Health Benefits Of Whiskey
Whiskey used to be the drink of cowboys, construction workers, and other badass types. Recently, however, it has become more and more common to see people from all walks of life enjoying a shot of whiskey after work. What if we told you that you can enjoy that double shot of whiskey and not feel one bit guilty about it? Even more shocking, what if we told you that whiskey (in moderation, of course!) is even good for you? Keep reading and find out how a shot of your favorite brand whiskey can enhance your health. Cheers!

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1. Maintains Healthy Brain Function
Okay, so everyone knows that if you drink too much with your friends Jack and Jim, your brain will become whiskey-logged. However, did you know that a 2003 study found that drinking moderate amounts of whiskey can boost your brain cognitive performance and reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia? Also, whiskey contains ellagic acid, which is powerful at fighting against those free radicals associated with mental decline. Doing so, it contributes to a healthy brain functioning and improves your quality of live.
However, there is always a bit of controversy when the topic touches any benefits of alcohol. Mind, that when moderation is not the case, alcohol does precisely the opposite thing – it damages your brain.
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2. Supports Heart Health
You might be shaking your head at this one, asking how it can be true, but let us reassure you — it is. Wine, dark beer, and whiskey are some of the lonely alcoholic drinks that can claim to be good for your heart.
The high levels of antioxidants found in whiskey can help to reduce your risk of having heart problems. The drink is the ‘blood-thinner’, so it lessens your risks of blood clots significantly. The moderate portions of whiskey prevent heart attacks, stimulate the proper work of your heart, and support overall of your cardiovascular system.
Perhaps that’s why people toast, saying, “To Your Health!”
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3. Helps Avoid Weight Gain
Alcohol is normally associated with a lost muscle tone and unbalanced body weight, and that is true in case of excessive drinking. Although whiskey might not make you lose 20 or 30 pounds — especially if you keep munching on those free appetizers at the bar — but when compared to almost every other mixed drink and beer, whiskey comes to be mentioned as a low-calorie and low-sugar choice. It has no cholesterol or fat, and very little of sodium. This means, that small amounts of this delicious liquor is unlikely to influence your weight. So you may consider having your whiskey shot in the evening without having to worry about hitting the gym and working off your belly later.
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4. Fights Cancer
Although excessive alcohol consumption leads to a much greater risk of cancer, moderate consumption of whiskey, which is rich in antioxidant like ellagic acid, can help to stop your cells from coming into contact with carcinogens and other toxins that can cause mutation and provoke the development and growth of cancerous cells.
Thanks to the antioxidants, whiskey reduces oxidation and neutralizes free radicals – those dangerous by-products of our body that affect metabolism negatively and cause a number of diseases, including cancer. Knowing this whiskey may help to protect the body from the effects of chemotherapy.
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5. Lowers Stress
Isn’t that one of the main reasons for drinking whiskey? Stress relief?
Stress is hard on the brain and will run your body ragged if left unchecked. The bad thing about stress is that it can cause a number of health problems in the body, which can lead to bigger stress levels and worsening of the body health, making the vicious circle of the situation.
Whiskey calms the nerves and relieves stress, which is the base cause of numerous health problems. A shot or two of whiskey will calm your nerves, relieve stress, and improve blood circulation. This is apparently one of the main reasons why people turn to whiskey after they have had a rough day.
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6. Makes A Safe Bet for Diabetics
If you have diabetes, you can enjoy a shot or two of whiskey and not have to worry about it. Whiskey is very low-sugar, which makes this one drink that you can indulge in and forget about your blood sugar level for a while. There are not too many times in this world when diabetics get to do that, so enjoy!
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A number of studies have shown that whiskey reduces the risk of developing diabetes, sometimes by as much as 40 percent. The thing is that whiskey in small amounts improves your body’s ability to balance your glucose levels and regulate insulin.
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7. Lengthens Your Life
We said you wouldn’t believe this one! Listen, whiskey is absolutely loaded with healthy antioxidants and different nutrients. This strengthens your immune system, protects your organs and systems, supports the functioning of the whole body, and improves your quality of life. This can help stop you from catching deadly viruses and developing life-limiting diseases. This also helps to stop free radicals from damaging your body on a cellular level, causing premature aging and chronic disease.
Not only will whiskey help to keep you free from disease, you will enjoy your longer life much more than if you omit whiskey. Who knew?
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8. Improves Your Memory
The same health benefits that prevent the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s can help improve your memory as well. (Unless you drink to excess — then you will have senior moments all night regardless of your age!)
Whiskey is found to have antioxidants – they positively influence your memory and overall health of the brain.
Another thing is that whiskey improves your blood flow, so it boosts the circulation in the brain as well. Good blood circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the old noggin’, which keeps your memory power in the best shape possible.
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9. Reduces Your Risk Of Stroke
You might not believe it, but whiskey does a double action to reduce the risk of a stroke.
One the one hand, it breaks down the cholesterol in your blood vessels and protects the arteries from building up more of it. So it improves your circulation and ensures that nothing blocks the normal flow of the blood all over your body. Besides, whiskey is cholesterol-free itself.
On the other hand, it prevents blood clotting. Blood clotting is ok on the skin when you are wounded, but it is a thorough disaster when it happens inside your arteries. Whiskey is good at thinning your blood. It balances the pressure by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels, and encourages better work of the heart. Nothing warms you up on a cold day like a shot of whiskey!
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10. Boosts Your Immune System
It is traditionally admitted that any alcohol – whiskey being no exception – in moderate portions, either consumed or applied externally, plays its role in preventing potential diseases and fighting against the present ones – doing all those things that a strong immune system should be doing for us.
It is found out, that a shot of whiskey gives you a necessary daily dose of vitamin C. It does not mean that you should replace your fresh juice you drink for breakfast. But with all written above, it is well seen, that antioxidants and other nutritious compounds in whiskey stimulate your immune system and strengthen it. Whiskey slows down the damages of important cells in your body. It helps to keep away any ailments – from minor colds to serious illnesses.
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11. Improves Digestion
Again, we want to impress on you that excessive consumption can cause irreparable damage to your digestive system. However, in moderate amounts, whiskey has long been used as a means of improving digestion. It not only curbs the appetite when consumed after a meal, it can also prevent stomach aches, indigestion, and stop you from overeating.
Over the centuries, whiskey was taken as a aid for digestion. In the past it was typically consumed at the end of the meals, as it was thought it would help the body get relaxed after eating. It is also thought that whiskey prevents you from overeating, and hints your brain to send the signals that you are full. No wonder a number of people still finish their dinners off with a shot of whiskey.
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12. Leaves You Hangover Free (Almost)
Whiskey has got to be one of the best choices when it comes to alcohol for so many reasons, but here is another one: Assuming you are limiting your consumption to only one or two shots, you should avoid any hangover symptoms. Most people find that wine and vodka give them headaches, even in small amounts, while others will tell you that tequila gives you raging headaches and nausea in the morning.
READ ALSO: 15 Foods That Reduce Hangover
Studies have shown that whiskey drinkers have the lowest levels of hangover symptoms. Now there are exception to every rule, and if you are one of those, then by all means, abstain.
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13. Treats Colds and Sore Throats
Whiskey shows impressive benefits in fighting colds and sore throats. Like other types of alcohol, whiskey is antiseptic in its nature. It aids in killing bacteria in the throat and injects a dosage of nutrients and antioxidants into the blood.
One of the famous recipes suggests to mix some whiskey, warm water, lemon, and honey to make a delicious and powerful cure. The antiseptic and nutritious power of whiskey in this syrup is supported by the healing and coating properties of the other properties. It makes the effect last longer. Either gargle this mixture, or sip it. Or both, if you like whiskey!
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14. You Love It
Broccoli and cauliflower are super healthy, but what good do they do if you cannot stand the taste? This is true of any health food or drink. The great thing about whiskey is this: It tastes good! The drink gives a more matured feeling, and the cold ice in the glass opens more of the flavors as it melts. So chances are excellent that, especially now that you know how good a few fingers can be, you will drink it with, let’s say, a less negative approach.
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