20 Of The Best Essential Oils To Stop Pain And Inflammation (Don’t Miss #9)

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

Everyone on Earth feels physical pain at one time or another. There are dozens of things that can cause you to feel pain, including overworked muscles, muscle spasms, inflammation, bad posture, stress, or PMS — just to name a few. Pain can come in the form of a headache, aching muscles, backaches, and many more. Chronic pain can make everyday life very difficult and uncomfortable.

There are also dozens of over–the-counter pain relievers, but almost every single one has some kind of side effect including bleeding in the stomach and concerns about overdose. Why bother with those chemical pain relievers when you can simply turn to natural essential oils instead?

Many essential oils contain analgesic compounds, meaning they reduce or relieve pain. Still others have anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, or anti-spasmodic compounds to fight other types of pain.

This article is going to tell you about 20 of the best essential oils you can use to stop many types of pain and inflammation. There are many more essential oils that will also work, but this list narrows it down to the top 20 that are well-known for having pain relieving compounds and that are the easiest to find.

Please note that some essential oils are not suitable for people with certain medical conditions, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. Please consult with your physician before using these essential oils to ensure your own safety.


1. German Chamomile

This contains anti-inflammatory and pain relieving compounds, in addition to having terrific antioxidant compounds. German chamomile is soothing, calming, and has been found to support joint health.


2. Sweet Marjoram

This herb also has sedative compounds that can help relieve muscle pain and muscle spasms, migraines, joint stiffness, osteoarthritis, and rheumatism.


3. Eucalyptus

This strong-smelling oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for nerve pain and muscle pain. It will clear out your sinuses at the same time, which can offer you relief from sinus headaches.


4. Rosemary

This is great for back pain, muscle pain, headaches, and joint pain due to its antispasmodic and analgesic compounds.


5. Clary Sage

Clary sage has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory compounds and is well known for being calming and soothing to the mind and body. Use this in small quantities as it is very powerful. It works best for muscle spasms, tension, and the pain caused by PMS.

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